us hist ch. 3
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- Pope's Rebellion 1680
- Occured when the Pueblo Indians tried to stop the missionary efforts to suppress their native religion
- The _____ of the 1100s catapulted the people of Europe out of the Dark Ages and into the Renaissance.
- Crusades
- Which Europeans made the first contact with the "New World"?
- The Vikings/Norsemen, most notably Leif Ericson, to Newfoundland around the 1000s
- Aztecs
- Inhabited the central plateu of Mexico. Capital city of Tenochtitlan is the site of Mexico City.
- Incas
- Inhabited the Andes Mountains of South America. Mirrored the feudal society of Europe. Its vast empire was held together by an extensive road system linking the high valley
- Mayas
- used written language, higher math, and a calendar more accurate than the European one.
- nomadic people
- people who worked together, using the environment for survival
- The role of women in tribes:
- very important roles from traditional roles (homemaker, mothers) to political forces within the tribes
- Tribes were a ____ communal society, one in which people helped each other when necessary
- communal
- The great difficulty among the Indian tribes, which would later lead to their defeats by European settlers, was:
- their lack of unity
- Iroquois Confederation
- a confederacy/political organization of tribes loosely bound together
- What led to the Age of Exploration and the discovery of the New World?
- The Europeans' desire for an all-water route to the Far East
- Who were leaders in the Age of Exploration?
- Spain and Portugal. Both have strong national governments, located on Atlantic Ocean, and had an easy access to water.
- Prince Henry the Navigator
- son of the Portuguese rulers. opened a school for navigation and geography in 1416. He financed expeditions and encouraged exploration.
- caravel
- a fast-moving sailing ship. Allowed the Portuguese to explore down the African coast
- Treaty of Tordesillas 1494
- Divided Portugal and Spain: Portugal can explore east to the line and Spain can explore west to the line. Line drawn north to south between the 46th and 47th meridian.
- coquistadors
- cruel conquerors
- Black Legend
- When the conquistadors would torture the native populations, steal their gold, and infect them with smallpox
- encomienda
- a system that allowed the colonists to exploit the native population for labor, provided there was an attempt to convert the native population to Christianity
- Along with disease, Spanish brought with them:
- cattle, swine, horses, and sugarcane.
- mestizos
- cross between spanish and native
- St. Augustine
- (present-day Florida), settled by the Spanish in 1565, became the oldest permanent European settlement in US
- The English didn't enter the Age of Exploration until:
- Elizabeth I became Queen in 1588
- _____, founded in 1607 at the mouth of the Chesapeake, became the first permanent English settlement in North America.
- Jamestown
- French explored mainly in:
- northern parts of North America, Canada. Quebec is French's first settlement 1608
- Bartholomeu Diaz
- Explored the southern tip of Africa in 1488 for Portugal
- Vasco de Gama
- Reached India around Africa in 1498 for Portugal
- Christopher Columbus
- Reached the Americas in 1492 for Spain
- Vasco Balboa
- Discovered the Pacific Ocean and claimed all the lands that touched it for Spain in 1513
- Juan Ponce de Leon
- Explored Florida in 1513 for Spain
- Ferdinand Magellan
- First to circumnavigate the globe in 1519 for Spain
- Hernand Cortes
- Conquered Mexico in 1521 for Spain
- Francisco Pizarro
- Conquered the Incas of Peru in 1532 for Spain
- Hernando de Soto
- Discovered the Mississippi River in 1539 for Spain
- Jacques Cartier
- Explore the St. Lawrence River in 1534 for France
- Giovanni de Verrazano
- Explored the easter part of present-day US in 1524 for France
- Who first bought Africans?
- Portuguese. Africans used to search for gold in the areas under exploration then for sugar plantations of Brazil aft the sugar industry developed
- The English settlers in North America became involved in slave trade in mid 1600s because of:
- the raising of tobacco, a labor-intensive crop
- The development of _____ contributed to increased numbers of slaves in British North America
- rice, indigo, cotton
- Results of the Age of Exploration
- 1. Economic changes in Europe usher in capitalism and mercantilism 2. New products (corn, tobacco, beans, tomatoes, potatoes) introduced to European markets 3. African slavery later leads to racism 4. Rivalry and competition develops among colonizing nati
- capitalism
- The production and distribution of goods is determined by individual consumer preference. Supply and demand.
- Mercantilism
- An economic system where a colony exists for the good of the mother country -- the colony provides raw materials for the mother country and serve as a market for the goods produced in the mother country