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us hist. ch. 14


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Bull Run
first big battle in virginia south wins convinces everyone that civil war will last for a long time
Lincoln's first inaugural address
Lincoln tries to convince the South that secession was illegal and impossible. his key task is to protect the union
Northern Democrats are divided: war Democrats, peace Democrats, copperheads
war democrats: for the war peace democrats: against the war copperheads: actively disloyal to the union, opposed Lincoln
Lincoln believed in the Theory of Peretual Union:
the Continental Congress had predated the Constituion and no state could breka the Union "contract" by itself
confederate: union:
south, north
The confederate government formed on _____.
Feb 9, 1861
Who was the first president of the Confederate government?
former Senator Jefferson Davis
Fort Sumter
although it's in South Carolina, it was still loyal to the north (union) where the first shots of the civil war were when the South attacks the Frt
North's advantages in the war
1. more industry, merchant shipping, guns, and agriculture than the North 2. manpower: bigger population than the South 3. had centralized government but South had trouble with believers in states' rights 4. railroads to transport supplies 5. financia
border states
Maryland, Delaware, Missouri, Kentucky MDMK = my dog makes kake haven't decided which side to choose. important (Esp Kentucky) because they'll tip the balance slave states
want Lincoln to free the slaves
South's advantages
1. had more talented generals than the North 3. fighting on familiar land 4. all they have to do is keep on fighting to win 5. better trianed soldiers than "shopkeepers" of th eNOth 6. king cotton
Robert E. Lee and Stonewall Jackson
South's generals
Ulysses S. Grant, William T. Sherman, Phillip Sheridan, George McClellan
North generals
Ulysses S. Grant
very good general who replaces McClellan. Elected president after war
William Tecumseh Sherman
very good general who conducted the marth across South and ruined their railroads, crops, etc. -- "Sherman's march to the Sea" (Atlanta to the Sea)
George McClellan
north general, good at organizing troops but not good at fighting battles. to blame for losing alot of battles. disrepsect for Lincoln
Most famous battle off the coast of Virginia 1862
between two ironclad ships Monitor (north) vs. Merrimac (south) ended in a draw
draft riots
people resisintg in drafting, especially immigrants
Wars: Bull Run, Seven Days, Chacnellorsville
south victories
Wars: Battle of Wildernesss and Appotmattox
north victories
single bloodiest day in American history, battle at Maryland, ends in a draw gave Lincoln confidence to do the Emancipation Proclamation
Emancipation Proclamation
By Lincoln as a tool to hurt the South and win the war war measure that freed laves in the states still in rebellion after Jan 1, 1862 doesn't free slaves in border states cus Lincoln doesn't want to upset them
Why did Lincoln decide to do the Emancipation Proclamation?
1. need soldiers (even blacks) in the war (blacks won't participate if they're not free) 2. encourage southern slaves to run away and maybe join the north - it will hurt South's economy 3. keep England and France out ecause they don't want to interfere
The farthest Lee was able to go into the north was ______
Gettsyburg, Pennsylvania (south can never recover again, union wins)
big turning point battle, union wins, in mississippi
After the capture of Richmond, Lee surrendered at _______ on ______.
Appomattox Courthouse on April 9, 1865
Gettsyburg Address
Lincoln said that all men are created equal
"with malice toward none and charity toward all"
phrase by Lincoln at second inaugural accepts war andd doesn't blame anyone for it
13th amendment
abolishes slavery legally
John Wilkes Booth
killed Lincoln on April 14, 1865
54th Massachusetts
first black regiment in the north, finally got to fight on June 18, 1863
private militias, guerilla fighers in Missouri, Southerners
North private militias, guerilla fighers in Missouri
Contraband of war
Lincoln's civil war policy of treating runaway slaves as enemy war property. he accepted slaves as way to hurt the south
The main reason south lost was:
their armies lost too many men

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