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Ascending tracts (white matter) are what
- sensory and from sensory receprots to CNS
- brain stem has what
midbrain, pons and medulla oblongata
cauda equina
nerve roots interior to cord tip
central canal through grey commissure
inner gray matter
CNS brain structures
cerebrum, diencephalon, brainstem, cerebellum
conus medullaris
inferior tip of spinal cord
CT membrans between bone and CNS
- Meninges
- descending tracts (white matter) are what
motor, from CNS to glands or muscles
diencephalon has what
epithalamus, thalamus and hypothalamus and enclosed by the cerebrum
dorsal gray horn and ventral gray horn
interneuron somas, and somas of motor neurons
epithalamus contains what and produces what
- pineal gland, hormones. Superior to thalamus and 3rd ventricle
filum terminale
pai mater attached to coccyx
- innermost, delicate, attached to surface of brain and highly vascular
name the 3 layers in the CNS
pa, anarchnoid, and dura mater
name the three meninges
- pia anarachnoid and dura mater
neuron cell bodies and unmyelinated process
inner grey matter
spinal cord in the cns has bundles of myelinated axons
white matter
the switchboard for all sensory impulses to CEREBRAL CORTEX
the cns is a subdivision of the nervous system and has
brain and spinal cord, dorsal body cavity
the CNS is also protected by
- meninges
the CNS is an
integration and command center
the CNS is protected by
- bone- skull(brain) and vertebrae (spinalcord)
- thin, spiderly, middle, extends past spinal cord,
arachnoid mater
- what is duramater
- outer rough fibrous double. dural sinuses-veins and dural folds-inner layer. it extends down the vertebral cavity beyond spinal cord
white matter has what 2 kinds of tracts
ascending tracts and descending tracts