Family Life
undefined, object
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- Abstinence
No intercourse: 100%
Birth Control Pills
Chemical: Pills composed of synthetic hormones that stop the ovary from releasing an egg: 98%
- Bisexual
- Someone who is attracted to people of both genders
- Cervix
- The opening of the uterus
- Chlamydia
- Bacterial
- Condoms
- Mechanical: Rubber sheath placed over erect penis, and prevents semen from entering the vagina: 85%
- Depo-Provera
- Chemical: Shot of artificial hormones which keep the body from releasing an egg: 99%
- Diaphragm
- Mechanical: Small rubber cap which covers the cervix, it is fitted by a gynecologist: 84%
- Ejaculation
Muscular contractions that force semen through the urethra and out of the body
- Empathy
The ability to understand and share another person's feelings
- Endometrium
The lining of the uterus
- Epididymis
A network of tubes in which the sperm mature and are stored temporarily
Fallopian Tubes
- Carry eggs from the ovaries to the uterus
Female Sex Hormones
- Estrogen and Progesterone
Gender Identity
Your identification of yourself as a man or a woman based on the gender you feel to be inside
Genital Herpes
- Viral
Genital Warts/HPV
- Viral
- Gonorrhea
- Bacterial
- Harassment
Any kind of repeated attention that is not wanted
- Heterosexual
- Someone who is attracted to people of the opposite gender
- Viral
- Homosexual
Someone who is attracted to people of the same gender
- Mechanical: T-shaped structure inserted into the uterus, and interferes with the sperm's ability to reach the egg: 99%
- Ovaries
- Contain ova or eggs, and produce hormones
- Patch
- Chemical: Patch placed on skin, and artificial hormones keep the body from releasing an egg: 99%
- Penis
The external sexual organ
Pubic Lice
- Parasite
- Respect
When you show empathy and tolerance for people who are different from you
- Rhythm
- No intercourse during ovulation: 70-80%
- Scrotum
A muscular sac that contains the testes
- Semen
A mixture of sperm and seminal fluid
Sexual Identity
- The way you act, your personality, and how you fell about yourself because you are male or female
Sexual Orientation
A person's emotional and romantic attraction towards members of the same sex, opposite sex, or both sexes
- Sexuality
Everything about you as male or female
- Spermicides
- Chemical: Made of chemicals that kill sperm: 78%
- Stereotyping
An idea or image held about a group of people that represents a prejudice attitude, oversimplified opinion, or uniformed judgement
- Syphilis
- Bacterial
- Testes
Two small glands that produce sperm and hormones
- Tolerance
The ability to accept others' differences and to accept people for who they are
- Trichomoniasis
- Viral
Tubal Ligation (Women)
Permanent: The fallopian tubes are cut and tied or clamped: >99%
- Urethra
A tube that carries urine and sperm to the outside of the body
- Uterus
Shelters and nourishes the fetus
- Vagina
A muscular passageway from the uterus to the outside of the body
Vas Deferens
- Tubes that extend from each epididymis to the urethra
Vasectomy (Men)
Permanent: The vas deferens are cut and tied: >99%
- Withdrawl
Ejaculation occurs outside of the body: 15%