Lesson 30
undefined, object
copy deck
- /active
- acting
- /glia
- type of brain cell
- /lepsy, /leptic
- seizure, taking hold of
- /mentia
- condition of the mind
- /opaque
- impervious to light or x-rays
- /opia, opsia
- vision
- /paresis, paretic
- relaxation, slight or incomplete paralysis
- /plegia, /plegic
- paralysis
- /taxia, taxis
- order or arrangement
- adnex/o
- appendages or adjunct parts
- adren/o
- from or relating to the adrenal glands, from or relating to epinephrine
- aneurysm/o
- aneurysm, a widening
- aque/o
- water, aqueous humor of the eye
- arteriol/o
- little artery
- auricul/o
- auricle, ear
- AV nicking
- AV 1. arteriovenous. 2. atrioventricular. AV, n 1. the abbreviation for atrioventricular. n 2. the abbreviation for auriculoventricular. nicking: (n) A localized constriction in blood vessels of the retina of the eye.
- capillar/o
- capillary, hair-like (blood vessels)
- cataract
- an opacity of the crystalline lens of the eye or its capsule.cataracĀ“tous
- cerebell/o
- cerebellum
- claudication
- limping; lameness
- cleid/o
- clavicle
- central nervous system
- concussion
- An injury to an organ, especially the brain, produced by a violent blow and followed by a temporary or prolonged loss of function.
- conjunctiv/o
- conjunctivae, membranes lining eyelids and covering eye whites
- cornea
- The transparent convex anterior portion of the outer fibrous coat of the eyeball that covers the iris and the pupil and is continuous with the sclera
- cry/o
- cold, freezing
- cerebrospinal fluid
- cerebrovascular accident, stroke
- dipl/o
- double
- disease
- Takayasu's, Parkinson's, Alzheimer's, Lou Gehrig's (ALS), Meniere's
- encephalitis
- St. Louis, equine, herpes simplex type 1, progressive multifocal leukoencephalitis, Venezuelan
- epinephrine
- 1. A hormone secreted by the adrenal medulla that is released into the bloodstream in response to physical or mental stress, as from fear or injury. It initiates many bodily responses, including the stimulation of heart action and an increase in blood pre
- episode, episodic
- sporadic; occurring in episodes
- epistaxis
- a nosebleed
- eustachian tube
- A slender tube that connects the tympanic cavity with the nasal part of the pharynx and serves to equalize air pressure on either side of the eardrum. Also called auditory tube, salpinx
- fasicul/o
- fascicle, little bundle
- gangli/o
- knot, group of nerve cell bodies, outside the CNS
- gingiv/o
- gums
- glaucoma
- closed-angle, open-angle
- gunshot wound
- gyrus, gyri
- ridge or confolution of the surface of the brain
- heter/o
- different or opposite
- insidious
- Being a disease that progresses with few or no symptoms to indicate its gravity
- ir/o, irid/o
- iris of the eye
- isch/o
- suppress
- masseter
- A muscle with origin from the inferior border and medial surface of the zygomatic arch, with insertion into the lateral surface of the ramus of the mandible, with nerve supply from the masseteric nerve, AND WHOSE ACTION CLOSES THE JAW DURING CHEWING
- meninges
- dura mater, arachnoid mater, pia mater
- MS
- multiple sclerosis
- no acute distress
- nystagmus
- involuntary rapid movement (horizontal, vertical, rotatory, or mixed, i.e., of two types) of the eyeball
- O.D. - oculous dexter O.S. - oculous sinister
- right eye, left eye
- ocul/o
- eye
- olig/o
- decreased or few
- palat/o
- palate
- phas/o
- speech
- polariz/o
- line up between poles
- presby/o
- elder or aging
- prolapse
- 1. ptosis; the falling down, or downward displacement, of a part or viscus. 2. to undergo such displacement.
- pyramid/o
- pyramid, pyramid-shaped organ
- rapid alternating movements
- reflex
- gag reflex
- retin/o
- retina of the eye
- scler/o
- sclera of the eye
- scleral buckling
- technique for repair of a detached retina, in which indentations or infoldings of the sclera are made over the tears in the retina to promote adherence of the retina to the choroid
- scopolamine
- use: prevention of motion sickness
- scotoma, scotomata
- an area of depressed vision in the visual field, surrounded by an area of less depressed or of normal vision
- seizure
- 1. the sudden attack or recurrence of a disease. 2. a single episode of epilepsy, often named for the type it represents.
- sequela, sequelae
- an abnormal condition that follows and is the result of a disease, treatment, or injury, such as paralysis after poliomyelitis or scar formation after a laceration
- stern/o
- sternum
- stigm/o, stigmat/o
- point or focus
- strabismus
- A visual defect in which one eye cannot focus with the other on an objective because of imbalance of the eye muscles
- strept/o
- twisted chains
- syncope
- temporary loss of consciousness due to generalized cerebral ischemia
- syndrome
- subclavian steal, Horner's
- tempor/o
- temple, lateral portion of head
- transient ischemic attack
- tinnitus
- a noise in the ears, such as ringing, buzzing, roaring, or clicking
- tremor
- an involuntary trembling or quivering
- uve/o
- uvea
- uvul/o
- uvula
- vag/o
- vagus nerve, cranial nerve X