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History Unit 3 Vocab


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Mental Map
A map with the most important features on it
Geographic Characteristics
Includes human and physical features
Human Features
Any feature made by humans to help mankind
Physical Features
Aspects of an area that are created by nature
Economic Cost
The negative of an activity
Economic Benefit
The positive of an activity
Oregon Treaty
The treaty in which the Oregon Country was split between Great Britain and the United States
Mexican Cession
The region in the Southwest of the United States that was given up by Mexico after the Mexican War 
Manifest Destiny
The belief that the United States was destined to stretch across the continent spreading democracy and Christianity
Monroe Doctrine
A policy of United States opposition to any European interface in the Western Hemisphere
Missouri Compromise
A series of laws enacted to maintain the balance of power between slave states and free states
Henry Clay
He is called the Great Compromiser and was responsible for the American System; He was considered one of the greatest United States senators
Indian Removal Act
This act called for the government to negotiate treaties that would require the Native Americans to relocate West.
A group of 16000 that was forced to move to the Indian Territory (Present day Oklahoma)
To become part of something
To give something up
Market Economy
When prices and wages are set by supply and demand
Private Ownership
Being owned by someone, but not the government
Trying to beat others
Limited Government
Restrictions on how much power the government can have
The process of becoming large
Push and Pull Factors
Factors which push people out of their native lands and pull them to a new place
Territorial Expansion
Growth in amount of land
Electoral College
A system used by the United States to select a president
Popular Vote
The vote of the majority of the people
Universal Male Suffrage
The right for all men to vote
Election of 1828
Andrew Jackson defeats John Quincy Adams, and becomes president
Jacksonian Democracy
Era of the common man
Spoils System
The process of giving government positions to political supporters
To reject
National Bank
The place where government money was kept and it issued paper money (Created by Alexander Hamilton)
To make something invalid
A tax on imports
An artificial waterway the connects bodies of water
A boat with an engine powered by steam that allowed travel upstream
A gathering of items to be sold
Cash Crop
A crop farmed for the sole purpose of making money
Cotton Gin
An invention that sped up cotton production
Slave-Based Economy
The South was dependent on slaves to prosper
A place with land, slaves, and cash crops
The arrival of settlers to a new country
Social Reform Movement
It improved society and groups of people, and started the idea of a utopia
The Second Great Awakening
A revival of religious faith

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