biology 3
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- The stem of a woody plant is reinforced with
- vascular rays and collencyma
- Vascular tissues in plants arise from the
meristem cells, procambium, and cambium
- Xylem vessels are found in
angiosperms, gnetophytes
The age (in years) of a woody plant can be determined by counting
vascular rings
The tall column shaped cells in leaves just below the upper epidermis is called
palisade parenchyma
- The vascular tissues in the veins of leaves is surrounded by
bundled sheath cells
- The movement of air into and out of leaves is controlled by
stomata, guard cells, turgor pressur
- The purpose of leaf hairs is to
limit loss of water by evaporation
- The Casparian strip is found in the
- endodermis
The movement of water from root to leaf is accomplished with the help of
osmotic push, capillary action, transpiration "pull"
- The acquisition of soluble nitrates by plants is helped by the
- rhizobia
The acquisition of soluble phosphates by plants is helped by the activities of
- mycorhizza
The elongation of plants cells during primary growth is controlled by
- sunlight, auxins, and the acid grow effect
- cytokinins
accelerate cell division
- The rate at which fruit ripens is effected by
- ethylene
- The plant hormone that induces bud dormancy is
- abscisic acid
- Wound reactions occur in response to the release of
- oligosaccharins
- The uneven growth of some plants in response to touch is
- thigmotropism