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excercise 8


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cutaneous membrane
the skin; dry memrane w. a keratinizing epithelium(epidermis)
epithelial memrane
simple organ consisting of an epithelial sheet bound to an underlying layer of connective tissue proper
lamina propria
layer of loose connective tissue the mucous membrane rests upon
mucous membranes
composed of epithelial cells resting on a layer of loose connective tissue * line all body caviies that are open to the exterior (respiratory digestiv, urogenital tracts)
serous membranes
epithelial membranes composes of simple squamous epithelium on a scant amount of areolar connective tissue. * parietal and visceral *line closed body cavities
synovial membranes
( composed entrely of connective tissue- no epithelial cells line the cavities surrounding joints

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