Western Civilization Greek
undefined, object
copy deck
- 133
late republic
- 164
first hanauka
- 167
- Mcabee revolt
- 264
middle republic
- 31
Battle of Actium, resulting in Cleopatras suicide
romes annexation of egypt
- 323
- Hellinistic period
- 336
Alexander the great
- 399
Trial of Socrates
- 431
Pelopenisian war
- 44
- Assasination of Julius ceasar
- 480
- Xerses
- 500
Classical period
- 509
Early republic
- 753
Romes Regal period.
move into sizable city
- Aristotle
Great greek philosipher,
- Aristotles insure stability
by giving power to middle class
democracy, involving large numbes of citizens
- Euclid
- geometry
Greek theory of the cycle of constituitions
Monarchy Vs. Tyranny
aristocracy vs. oligarchy
polity vs. democracy
- Herodotus
Father of History
Greek City-state
- Polybius
- theory of mixed constitutions
- Sparta
- Obedience state
Three part divion of polis
elected officals
citizen assembly,
- Thucydides
Scientific historian
pelopanisian war