western civ
undefined, object
copy deck
- 133
period of late republic
- 164
- hanauka
- 167
maccabean revolt
- 264
middle republic
- 31
- actium led by agust
- 32
battle of actium reulting in queen cleopatras suicide and rome annexation of egypt
helinistic period
- 336
- 338
- battle of chaeronea
- 399
- trial and exucution of Socrates
- 431
- pelopenisian war
- 44
juliusceaser killed
- 480
- Xerses invades greece
- 500
- Classical perooid
- 509
early republic
- 69
four emperors
- 753
Regal period rule of kingd and romes growth froma small village into a sizable city
- archimedes
simple machines
greek phlosiphe, politics
- Athens
democracy involving lare numbers of citizens in public affairs
- cicero
- moderate politician, suppressed conspiracies
- dicatator
- handled crisis for six months
- downfall of roman republic
oligarchical nature
competive politics
growing divisions of rich and poor
close bond berween commanders and their impoverished soldiers
military comanders and olibgarchy
- euclid
- consolidation of geometry
- Greek theory of the cycle of constitutions
three good three bad
monarchy one person vs. tyrany unjust by one
aristocracy (rule of best) vs. ogligarchy few with property
polity (balanced rule by large segment vs. democracy irresoponsible rule of masses
- hegemony
- more powerful greekcity states atain military dominanc. led to stale mate
- Herodotus
Father of history
Persian war
Julius seaser
- qouquer of gual
- Macedonia
large bakward confines of greece
Melian dialog
- bruttaly frank discusion between Athenian generals
- polybius
- mixed constitution
- salamis
naval battle where greeks defeated persians
- sparta
conquest of Messneia
two kings
- syncrtimeism
blingin together
- Thermopylae
battle betwwen spartans and persia
- Three part divionof polis
- Thucydides
scientific historian
Pelopenisan war