undefined, object
copy deck
- ought to
- deber
- to agree to
- convenir en
- to aspire to
- aspirar a
- to attempt
- pretender
- to be able, can
- poder
- to be accustomed to
- soler
- to be glad to
- alegrarse de
- to become accustomed to
- acostumbrarse a
- to begin to
- comenzar a, empezar a, ponerse a, principiar a
- to come to
- venir a
- to consent to
- consentir en
- to consist of
- consistir en
- to count on, to rely on
- contar con
- to dare to
- atrevarse a
- to decide to
- decidirse a
- to delay in, to be long in
- tardar en
- to devote oneself to
- dedicarse a
- to dream of
- sonar con
- to fail to, to stop
- dejar de
- to forget to
- olvidarse de
- to get ready to
- disponerse a
- to go out to
- salir a
- to happy to(by chance)
- acertar a
- to hasten(hurry to)
- apresurarse a
- to have just
- acabar de
- to hear
- oir
- to hope, to expect
- esperar
- to insist on
- empenarse en, insistir en
- to intend
- pensar
- to invite to
- convidar a
- to know(how)
- saber
- to learn to
- aprender a
- to let, to allow
- dejar
- to make, to have done something
- hacer
- to need
- necesitar
- to obligate, to compel to
- obligar a
- to prefer
- preferir
- to promise
- prometer
- to refuse to
- negarse a
- to remember to
- acordarse de
- to resign oneself to
- resignarse a
- to return to
- regresar a
- to see
- ver
- to stop
- cesar de
- to succeed in
- lograr
- to take charge of
- encargarse de
- to teach to
- ensenar a
- to threaten to
- amenazar con
- to try to
- tratar de
- to want, to wish
- querer
- to wish, to desire
- desear