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Lesson 14- Homophones


undefined, object
copy deck
& N in in/ en/
-and -Normal, naso... -in, w/in -into,not -in,into,within
/ior /y or
-relating to -process of
/phoria for you
ad/ ab/
-towards -away from
adduction abduction
-draw towards -carry away
afebrile a febrile
without fever relating to fever - feverish
affect effect
have an influence of result produced by an action
anti/ ante/ and he
-against -before -
aphagia aphasia a phase of
auto/ ought to
cyt/o site site of cite sight
-cell - - -quote -sight
diaphysis diathesis
-shaft of a long bone -hereditary predisposition of the body to a disease, allergy, disorder.
dysphagia dysphasia dysplasia
-difficulty swallowing -impairment of speech (garbled) -abnormal development of growth of tissues, organs, cells
endo/ into in to and O
-within -oxygen
eu/ you
-good, normal, even -
gastrotomy gastroscopy gastrostomy
hypotension hypertension
injection infection
metastasis, metastases metastasize, metaphysis
mucus mucous
-contains mucin, water, cells, inorganic salts - protective lubricant -relating to, consisting of or resembling mucus (mucous membrane)
my/o myel/o mild
-muscle -bone marrow or spinal cord -
peri/ para/ pair of per/
-surrounding -beyond, beside - -through
pseudo/ sue though
-false -
psych/o cyt/o
mind cell
semi/ send me
-half -
super supra
above superior
syn/ sym/ sin send
-together with -together with

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