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APC and MPC are very ____ at low levels of DI (disposable income) but decline as DI rises
At low levels of disposable income, people spend more/less
more (larger percent of their budget)
Automatic Stabilizers
Stabilizes the economy in times of bad and good conditions. (Pension plan, welfare, old age security)
Both a competitive firm and a monopolist maximizes profits where ____
Discretionary fiscal policy
The two ways government can cool or heat the economy: govt spending and taxation
expenditure multiplier formula
change in GDP = (change in AD)(1/1-MPC)
Inflationary gap
high GDP growth, high inflation. economy is heating up (so they'll use tight money policy)
Multiplier effect
The multiplied effect upon GDP that results from a change in people's income.
Paradox of Thrift
By attempting to save more money, we actually save less
Recessionary Gap
Low inflation, decreasing employment, low GDP
tax multiplier formula
change in GDP = -(change in taxes)(MPC/1-MPC)
Two types of fiscal policy:
Discretionary & automatic Stabilizers
Types of unemployment:
Demand-deficient (consumer spending is down = low demand for products. firms forced to fire some workers), Frictional (no job bu you're looking for one), Seasonal, Structural (fired cus of lack of skill)

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