Social Studies Final
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- Camp David Accords!
- peace treaty for peace and stability in the middle east
- 5 things that happened in the COld War
- Berlin airlift Cuban Missle Crisis Sputnik Korean War Warsaw compact
- economics
- money realted to other countries
- PResident during Iran hostage crisis
- Harder
- New frontier
- Space exploration
- President During Civil rights movement
- JOhnson
- Important events in 1968
- *Vietnam war *Robert Kennedy assasinated *Martin Luther King assasinated *Major Riots
- COncern in 1945-1980s
- communisim
- Conscription
- military draft
- Head Generals during WWI
- PAtter Eisenhour McCarthur Marshall
- France's and England's policy towards GErmany during WWII
- appeasment
- Immedeate cause of WWI in Europe
- The assasination of archduke Franz Ferdinand
- THe Bay of Pigs
- 1,200 Cuban Exiles landed on CUba under US direction hoping other CUbans would join for support. JFK canceled ari support and the attack failed
- Carnegie
- *steel *Vertical integration of Steel industry *MOnopoly
- Rockefeller
- *oil industry *Monopoly **standard oil
- Vanderbilt
- *robber baron *railroads *monopoly
- New immigrants came from
- Eastern and southern europe
- Old immigrants
- Northern and western europe