Science IA Final... again again
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- What is the best temp for Funi?
- 25 C
- What kind of conditions do fungi live best in?
- acidic conditions, pH from 5-6. foods such as dairy products, fruit, cheeses.
- What do fungi grow best on?
- concentrations of sugar such as glucose or dextrose.
- How do fungi reproduce?
- asexually (no sex cells involved).
- What is mitosis?
- aseuxual reproduction.
- Sexual reproduction;
- where reproductive cells are produced forming haploid cells joined to produce diploid cells.
- Cryptococcus:
- most dangerous fungal disease to humans.
- What does cryptococcus affect?
- the lungs, brain, and spinal cord.
- Where is cryptococcus found?
- in the soil and in pigeon feces.
- How does cryptococcus infect respiratory systems?
- by becoming airborne.
- What are some symptoms of cryptococcus?
- extreme headache, stiffness in the neck, and paralysis. can be found in AIDs patients.
- What is Candidiasis caused by?
- Candida albicans.
- Where can candidiasis be found?
- skin, mouth, vagina, and intestinal tract of humans and animals.
- What does candidiasis cause?
- yeast infections in females, vaginal itching, burning, and a white discharge. oral candidiasis is known as thrush (common in children.)
- What does tinea mean?
- worm.
- What does hystoplasmosis affect?
- lungs by inhaling spores.
- What does hystoplasmosis cause?
- fever, headache, and chest pains.
- Where does blastomycosis occur?
- Canada, Great Lakes region.
- Where is blastomycosis found?
- bird droppings that enter the body through cuts and abrasions by forming wart-like regions.
- What alsois blastomycosis?
- Valley Fever, affects the lungs and causes coughing, chest pains, and fever.
- What are some examples of fungi?
- bread mold, mushrooms, mildew, lichens, molds.