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chapter 6


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4 general features of intramembranous bone formation
*occurs in flat bones of skull clavicles, *begins with collagenous fiber membran, *membrane is compact bone amd *fontanels (soft spot) not yet ossified 

a hip joint is an example of___

and a knee joint is an example of  

ball and socet  & hindge joint

a rigid rid that moves about  a fixed point

led zeppelin song 

a lever

bones as levers

a lever and a fulcrum are (fulcrum is an example of what) smoke it

a rigid rod  that moves about a ficedpoint and fulcrum is the fixed point around with a lever moves (joint)

fractures and their repair 

defenition, and tyes 

defenition is any break in a bon, may take months to repair and types include simple, compound, greenstick, spiral comminuted

spongu bone

dense bone 



a "collar of bone is produced around what?
the diaphysis or shaft
a greenstick fracture is when the
shaft is bent or broken
a spiral fracture is when bone is a
twisting force, ragged break
an action potential is
a migrating region of membranepotential reversal
articulations classified by__ fibrous joint_sutures of skull. Cartilagenous joint_pubic symphysis and synovial joint_knee
Bone cells three types
osteoblast osteocytes and osteoclasts
bony callus in fracture repair is remodeled by what bone cell
cartilage is replaced by bone except at articular surfaces under what process
formation of secondary center of ossification for endochondral bone formation
cartilage model is covered by perichondruim and perichondrum becomes periosteum
formation of bone collar under endochondral bone formation
chondrocytes die under what process (think too much milk)
calcification of diaphyseal cartilage
comminuted fracture is when bone is
shattered into fragments
compound fracture is where the
bone protrudes through skin
contraction of muslce is controlled by MMSMF F
motor areas of cerebral cortex, motor neurons, synapses, muslce fibers and feedback to brain 
CT cells cluster and centes of ossification appear
the process of intramembranous bone formation
diffusion is disabled and chondrocytes die under what bone formation
endochondral bone formation under calcification of diaphyseal cartilage
endochondral bone formation

occurs in remainder of skeleto

begins with hyaline cartilage model 

cartilage is replaced by bony tissue 

formation of bone collar is under what type of bone formation
endochondral bone formation
fulcrum is between the effor/force and the resistance which class is this
first class seesaw and tilting head back
General features of endochondral bone formation
it occurs in remainder of skeleton, begins with hyaline cartilage and cartilage is replaced with bony tissue
how fast are repair cells activated, and what cells are the repair cells
osteoblasts and within 48 hours
In fracture repair -broken blood vessels form a fracture (starts with H)
in fracture repair-ct and capillaries invade site form (FC C)
fibrocartilage callus
in muscle tissues, neurotransmitter receptors are located
on the motor end plate
in the intra membranous bone formation what fuses into spongy bone lattice (sounds like me)
in the intra membranous bone formation what happens after the lattice is filled with trabeculae
it fills with red bone marrow and thickens into compact bone  periosteal ossification
intra-membranous bone formation *occurs in flat bones of skull, *begins with collagenous fiber membrane * membrane calcifies into compact bone *fontanels not yet ossified
fontales are apart of intra membranous bone formation
intramembranous bone formation includes
CT cells cluster & centers of ossification appear, cells differentiate into osteoblasts, osteoblasts secrete a matrix forming trabeculae, calcium salts are deposited
Ivory like, forms outside layer of bone, forms the shaft of long bones. made in the haversian system
compact/ dense bone
lattice fills with red bone marrow and eventually peripheral trabeculae thicken into compact bone
intra membranous bone formation
Long bone, flat bone, short bone, irregular bone
femur, frontal bone, carpals, vertebrae
name 2 things ossification process includes (IE)
intramembranous bone formation and endochondral bone formation
name the three phases a muscle twitch undergoes
Lag phase, contraction phase and relaxation phase
name the type of bone formation: CT cells cluster and centers of ossification appear, cells differnetiate into osteoblasts, osteoblast secrete a matrix forming trabeculae and calcium salts deposit
intramembranous bone formation
name this type of bone formation: it occurs in flat bones of skull clavicles, begins with collagenous fiber membrane, the membrane calcifies into compact bone and fontaneles 
intamembranous bone formation
nutrient foramen, medullary cavity, epiphysis are all part of a ____bone
long bone humerus and femur
occurs in remainder of skeleto, begins with hyaline cartilage and cartilage is replaced by bony tissue
endochondral bone formation
open spaces, light weight, lattice arrangement and made of microscopic trabeculae subunits. within epiphyses of long bone
Cancellous bone
ossifiaction process includes 2 things
intramembranous bone formation and endochondral bone formation
ossification which is replacement of other tissue with bone has two processes what are they called
intramembranous bone formation and endochondral bone formation
bone cell that secrete to formbone
bone cells that destroy bone has enzymes that digest protein acids dissolve minerals and forms marrow cavity its involved in remodeling
mature bone cells that get trapped in osteoblasts
perichondrium becomes periosteum in what formation of what bone
the bone collar
replacement of other tissues with bone is called (starts with an O)
resistanceis between the fulcrum and the effort/force

second class

wheelbarrow and rising up on my toes 

skeletal muscle describes muscle by
size (vastus),  shape (deltoid), direction of fibers (straight), location (pectoralis chest), number of origins (biceps 2 heads), and action 
skin isn;t broken is a what
simple fracture
steps in fracture repair
hematoma, fibrocartilage callu, bone callus and remodeled
sutures: functional synarthrosis and structural fibrous
synarthrosis_ immovable joints                                  Amphiarthrosis_slightly mo
the collar bone is produced where
around the diaphysis
the development of bone begins with what
ossification=replacement of other tissues with bone and begins abouth the 6th week of gestation. size increase until late teens in females 
the fixed point around which a lever moves (joints)
the knee is functional diarthrosis and structural synovial
the pubic symphysis has functional amphiarthrosis and structural cartilagenous
the soft spot is what
fontanel and its not yet ossified
the two classifications of skeleton
appendicular and axial
these are what type of joints gliding hinge pivot ellipsodial saddle and ball and socket
synovial knee joints
this class is most common and the effort/force is between the fulcrum and the resistance

third class and most common type in body

flexing the elbow 

under what process does cartilage matrix disintegrate
calcification of diaphyseal cartilage in endochondral bone formation
what are repair cells and how soon activated (TV SHOW)
osteoblasts and they are activated in about 48 hours
what attaches bones together and are elastic
what attaches muscle to bone, and is inelastic
what does the spongy bone lattice fill up with
red bone marrow
what element does bone development require
what is Hematoma
broken blood vessels that forma a fracture
what lays down bony matrix
what requires ca2+
bone development under ossification
what surrounds individual fasciles
when blood vessels reach epiphyses they are at the
secondary formation center of ossification under endochondral bone formation
when does replacement of other tissue with bone begin? drivers licence
about the 16th week of gestation
where does trabeculae fuse into?
spongy bone lattice 
where is the collar bone produced around
the diaphysis
wheredoes cartilage grow on bones and why
at the ends so the bones will elongate
which phase of muscle twitch is a stimulus applied?
in lag phase
__marrow cavity formed by osteoclasts and trabelculae form spongy bone
ossification center in endochondral bone formation
__penetrated by blood vessel, osteoblasts and osteoclasts
diaphysis -endochondral bone formation
___act to move the levers at 2 points. R and E or W
resistance :force to be overcome and effort or wor: force require to overcome resistance; supplied by skeletal muscles
___destroys bone & enzymes digest protein, acid dissolves minerals and is involved in remodeling
osteoclasts part of bone cells
_____mature bone cells
Osteoclasts "trapped" ostoblasts from bone cell
_____secrete to form bone
osteoblasts from bone cells

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