APUSH 34-37
undefined, object
copy deck
- Red Scare
1919-1920 : labor unrest, bombs, freedom of speech gone, used against unionists (socialists)
- Sacco and Vanzetti
- antiredism and antiforeignism, judicial lynching b/c they were italians, atheists, anarchists, draft lodgers
ULTRA CONSERVATIST more about foreigners now
midwest and south
collapsed in 1920s
- Emergency Quota Act of 1921
stopped newcomers to 3%
- Immigration Act of 1924
- discriminatory towards south & eastern europeans, NO JAPS, YES canada & latin america, end of opputunity & furthur diversity
- 18th amendment 1919
Volstead Act/Prohibition popular in midwest & south
- Al Capone
gang warfare in 1920s; organized crime rose, kidnappings
John Dewey
learning by doing (progressive edu) to make socially useful adults for life
Monkey Trial / John Scopes
clash between darwinians and fundamentalists (tenessee)
Fundamentalists remained strong
Andrew Mellon
- Sec of treasurer whs tax policies favored rapid expansion of capitalist investment