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Chapter 9


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the nonspecific response of the human organism to any demand made upon it or any change encountered.
2 types of stress
acute (immediate danger) and chronic (prolonged)
factors that cause stress
stress response
the adaptation to stress
two types of stress response
psychological and physiological
Three stages of the Stress Response
1. Fight or flight (Alarm Reaction Stage)
2. Resistance Stage
3. Exhaustion stage
Alarm reaction stage

Fight or Flight
extreme danger that is well defined and short term

a set of physiological responses to a perceived threat.
Resistant Stage
The longer this stage lasts, the greater risk for illness

the length of this stage can be shortened by implementing stress management skills.
Exhaustion Stage
Not often reached.

Adaptaion energy is exhausted

Can be deadly
How does perception play into stress?
Not everyone perceives stressors the same.
Name four ways you can gain control over stress:
1. Healthy lifestyle decisions
2. learn and implement time management
3. learn to say no when plate is full
4. regularly practice relaxation techniques
Long term exposure to chronic stressor can cause both _____ illness and/or ______ illness
physical and psychological 
The stress itself may not be harmful.  It depends on how you ______ it and how much you feel ________ of it.
perceive, in control
daily hassles
the events or interactions your daily life that you find bothersome, annoying or negatvie in some way
daily uplifts
positive events needed to eliminate daily hassles
Types of Behavior and Stress
Type A Behavior and Type B Behavior
Type A
competitive, ambitious, driven, impatient, workaholic, always rushed, place big demands on themselves, little or no pleasures in life, under constant stress
Type B
Relaxed, unaggressive, and patient, make time for hobbies and recreation, less obsessed with success, deal effectively with stress.
Hot Reactor
when stress produces extreme angry behavior.

b/p, and hr increase

massive amounts of hormones are created

every stressor is life or death
Reframing technique
needed by hot reactors to help
Type C Behavior is aka the ______ _______ _______ person 
The stress resistant hardy person
Name the 5 c's of the type c behavior
control, commitment, challenge, choice in lifestyle, connectedness
__________   ____________  produces physiological changes that counteracts stress.
relaxation response
Mindfulness meditation
involves nonjudgemental awareness of whatever a person happens to be experiencing at the time and learning to experience it calmly.
Name 5 skills/technques necessary for stress management:
1. exercise
2. relaxation techniques
3. lifestyle change
4. reframing
5. creating a memory bank
What stress management technique is:

relaxation techniqques
What stress management technique is:

autogenic traning and imagery
relaxation techniques
what stress management technique is:

abdominal breathing
relaxation techniques
what stress management technique is:

yoga and massage
relaxation techniques
what stress management technique is

relaxation techniques
what stress mangement skill is:

seek help and support
lifestyle change
What stress management skill is:

satisfying relationships
lifestyle change
what stress management skill is:

lifestyle change
what stress management skill is:

alcohol, drugs, and tobacco
lifestyle change
what stress management skill is:

lifestyle change
what stress management skill is:

time management
lifestyle change
what stress management skill is:

balance work and plan
lifestyle change
what stress mangaement skill is:

consciously reinterpreting a situation in a more positive light
what stress management skill is:

look at the bright side of every situation
what stress management skill is:

learn to take control and be an optimist
what stress management technique is:

make an effort to see humor in every situation
what stress management skill is:

savor the speical experiences in your life
create a memory bank
what stress management technique is:

increasing pleasants memories
create a memory bank
what stress management technique is:

take five minutes everyday to recall a special memory in your life
create a memory bank

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