The Developing Person
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- Adolescence
- the transition period from childhood to adulthood, extending from puberty to independence
Alzheimer's Disease
- Characterized by gradual deterioration of memory, reasoning, language, and finally physical functioning.
- Caused by a deterioration of neurons that produce acetylcholine
- Attachment
The emotional connection that infants and children develop toward their parents and others who care for them
Authoritarian Parenting
- parents are highly controlling. They dictate how their children should behave. They stress obedience to authority and discourage discussion. They are demanding and directive
Authoritative Parenting
- parents set limits and rely on natural consequences for children to learn from making their own mistakes
Autonomy versus shame and doubt
- 1-3
Concrete operational stage
- from ages 7 to 11 (children begin to think logically about concrete events)
- Conventional morality
by early adolescence; level that cares for others and upholds laws and social rules because they are laws and rules
- Gains approval/avoids disapproval
- Does duty to society/avoids dishonor or guilt
Critical Period
- a time span when a particular part of the brain is most apt to develop and most vulnerable to environmental influences
Critical Periods
- Language
- Attachment
Crystallized Knowledge
- Form of mental ability that includes material learned over the total life span and includes verbal ability, verbal reasoning, problem solving, and basic knowledge of one's world
- Deprivation of attachment
- Typically developing or affected
- Behavioral Effects
- Physiological Effects
- Developmental Psychology
A branch of psychology that studies physical, cognitive, and social change throughout the lifespan
Disagreement with Piaget
- Cognitive development is continuous and not broken into stages
- Children more advanced than given credit for
- Disruption of attachment
- Depression
- Emotional detachment
- Return to normal living
- Ego integrity versus despair
- 65+
Fluid Intelligence
The part of intelligence which involves the use, as opposed to the acquisition, of information
- Foreclosure
- when a person has made a commitment without attempting identity exploration
Formal Operational stage
- after age 11 (development of abstract reasoning)
Gernerativity versus stagnation
- 30-65
- Identity
- occurs when there is neither an identity crisis or commitment
- Identity Achievement
- occurs when an individual has gone through an exploration of different identities and made a commitment to one
Identity versus role confusion
- 12-20
- Imprinting
- The process by which young individuals of a species acquire irreversible behavior patterns of that species
Industry versus inferiority
- 6-12
Initiative versus Guilt
- 3-6
- Intimacy
- the ability to form close, loving relationships
Intimacy versus isolation
- 20-30
Major problems of adolescents
- Eating disorders
- Teenage pregnancy
- Dropping out of high school
- Moral Thinking--3 basic levels
- Preconventional Morality
- Conventional Morality
- Postconventional Morality
- Moratorium
- the status of a person who is actively involved in exploring different identities, but has not made a commitment
Origins of Attachment
- Body contact
- Familiarity
- Responsive parenting
Permissive Parenting
- parents are accepting and warm but exert little control. They do not set limits, and allow children to set their own rules and schedules and activities
Physical changes in later adulthood
- Women tend to live longer than men
- Physiological changes
- Neurological changes
- Immunological changes
Physical changes in middle adulthood
- For women – menopause
- Men do not experience an equivalent to menopause; however, they do experience a decline in sperm count, testosterone level, speed of erection and ejaculation
- Postconventional morality
Some who develop abstract reasoning of formal operational thought
- Affirms agreed upon rights
- Follows own basic ethics and principles
Preconventional Morality
before age nine; obey either to:
- Avoid punishment
- Gains rewards
Preoperational Stage
- from ages 2 to 7 (acquisition of motor skills)
Primary Sex Characteristics
Sexual organs (penis and vagina)
- Puberty landmarks
- Females it is: Menarche
- Males it is the first ejaculation
- Secondary Sex Characteristics
- Females – breasts and hips.
- Males – deepened voice and body hair
- Self Concept
- achieved by age 12 is a sense of one’s own identity and personal worth
Sensorimotor Stage
- from birth to age 2 years (children experience the world through movement and senses and learn object permanence)
Separation Anxiety
- When an infant or toddler is anxious about being away from her primary caregiver
Stranger anxiety
A dislike or mistrust of unfamiliar people, often beginning around a baby's eighth or ninth month
- Teratogens
- Agents that cause the malformation of a developing fetus
- Trust versus mistrust
- 0-1
What drives development?
- Maturation
- Learning
- Zygote
fertilized egg