CS Test 1
undefined, object
copy deck
"While" Statement
While ("a true/false condition") do step i to step j
Algorithm Discovery
Finding a solution to a given problem.
- Approximation Algorithm
- Algorithm that doesn't solve the problem, but provides a close approximation to the solution.
- Best Case
- Requiring the least work.
- Computation
Set the value of "variable" to "arithmetic expression."
Computing Agent
- The machine, robot, person, or thing carrying out the steps of the algorithm.
Conditional Operation
These are the "question-asking" instructions of an algorithm. They ask a question, and the next operation is selected on the basis of the answer to that question.
Continuation Condition
The "true/false condition" in a "while" statement.
Control Operations
- Conditional and iterative operations used together. Allow us to alter the normal sequential flow of control in an algorithm.
Definition of an Algorithm
A well-ordered collection of unambiguous and effectively computable operations that, when executed, produces a result and halts in a finite amount of time.
Definition of Computer Science
The study of algorithm, including
- Their formal and mathematic properties
- Their hardware realizations
- Their linguistic realizations
- Their applications
Do/While Statement
. . .
While ("a true/false condition")
Effectively Computable
There exists a computational process that allows the computing agent to complete the operation successfully.
- Efficiency
An algorithm's careful use of resources.
Exponential Algorithm
Hamiltonian circuit
- If/Then/Else
If "a true/false condition" is true then
first set of algorithmic operations
Else (or otherwise)
second set of algorithmic operations
Infinite Loop
- An algorithm that makes no provision to terminate.
- Input
Submits to the computing agent data values from the outside world that it may then use in later instructions.
Get values for "variable," "variable," . . .
- Intractable
Problem is solvable, but the solution algorithms all requrie so much work as to be virtually useless.
Iterative Operations
The "looping" instructions of an algorithm. They tell us not to go on to the next instruction but, instead, to go back and repeat the execution of a previous block of instructions.
- Loop
The repetition of a block of instructions.
Loop Body
The block of operations executed in a "while" statement while the continuation condition is satisfied.
Natural Language
The language we speak and write in our everyday lives.
Order of Magnitude
Anything that varies as a constant times n.
- Output
Sends results from the computing agent to the outside world.
Print the values of "variable," variable," . . .
Posttest Loop
The continuation condition is tested at the end of each pass through the loop. Expressed using the "Do/While" statement.
Pretest Loop
The continuation condition is tested at the beginning of each pass through the loop, and therefore it is possible for the loop body never to be executed.
- Primitive
- An unambiguous operation in an algorithm. An algorithm must be composed entirely of primitives.
- Pseudocode
A set of English language constructs designed to resemble statements in a programming language but that do not actually run on a computer.
Sequential Operation
A set of sequential instructions that carry out a single well-defined task. When that task is finished, the algorithm moves on to the next operation.
Sequential Search
The standard algorithm for searching an unordered list of values.
Straight-Line Algorithm
Executes its instructions in a straight line from top to bottom and then stops.
The Three Basic Sequential Operations
- computation
- input
- output
- Theta(lgn)
Binary Search
- Theta(n)
Sequential Search
- Theta(nsquared)
Selection Sort
Two Criteria for Operations used in an Algorithm
- They must be unambiguous
- They must be effectively computable
Unambiguous Operation
An operation that can be understood and carried out directly by the computing agent without further simplification or explanation.
Unsolvable Problem
A problem for which no generalized algorithmic solution can possibly exist.
- Variable
A named storage location that can hold a data value.
- Why are formal algorithms so important in computer science?
If we can specify an algorithm to solve a problem, then we can automate its solution.
Worst Case
Requiring the most work.