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matter, energy, metabolism


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total of all chemical reactions in an organism
1. degrade
2. release energy
1. build
2. use energy
potential energy
1. stored energy
2. based on location or structure
kinetic energy
energy of motion
chemical potential energy
potential energy in chemical bonds
1st law of thermodynamics
1. energy cannot be created or destroyed
2. can be transferred or transformed
2nd law of thermodynamics
1. every energy transfer increases entropy in the universe
2. doing work results in release of heat during energy transfer
spontaneous reaction
1. tendency towards stability = lower G
2. no energy input required
3. delta G less that zero

free energy
1. G
2. energy in system that can perform work
endergonic reaction
1. energy inward
2. energy must be input
3. delta G greater that 0
4. non-spontaneous
5. energy must come from outside system

exergonic reaction
1. energy outward
2. net release of energy
3. delta G is less that 0
4. spontaneous
5. energy available for work

addition of Pi
proteins that act as catalysts
agent that speeds up a reaction without being consumed
activation energy (AE)
1. energy initially required to start a reaction
enzyme substrate complex
enzyme and substrate are combined.
lower AE affect on reaction rate
speeds up reaction
competitive inhibitors
1. binds at active site
2. competes with substrate
non-competitive inhibitors
1. binds elsewhere
2. changes shape of active site
allosteric regulation
active site affected by binding of a regulatory molecule at another site
1. activating
2. inhibitory

feedback inhibition
1. at high product, product binds enzyme and inhibits activity
2. prevents excessive product
1. Adenosine triphosphate
2. ATP hydrolysis continually recycling

ATP helps perform..
1. Chemical: coupling exergonic with endergonic reaction
2. transport: moving ions against diffusion
3. mechanical: moving cellular structures

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