Jap Linguistics 1
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- First language acquisition characteristics
- quick speed non-random mistake ability to learn without formal education regularity of acquisition process
- Counters to Innateness Hypothesis
- Imitation theory Reinforcement Analogy
- co-articulation
- pronunciation is affected by the following sounds ken(g) ga ken(m) made ken desu
- sounds are defined by
- manner of articulation (partial/complete) voicing v. non-voicing (use of vocal chords) place of articulation nasal
- palatalized
- k(y)a
- long consonants
- geminates (sakka)
- Manners of articulation
- stop fricative affricative nasal approximates
- Japanese stops
- p (no aspiration), t and k (further back), d, b, and g.
- aspiration
- (h)p use of breath in pronunciation
- Japanese fricatives
- z, s, (fu), (hi), h
- Japanese alveolars
- vs(shi), vz (measure)
- affricative
- stop = fricative
- Japanese affricative alveolar palatal
- vc (chi), vj (ji)
- Japanese affricative alveolar
- ts (tsu), dz (zu), z
- Japanese approximate
- r (d-like/ fap), w and y
- Japanese nasal
- m, n, y, N (pause)