305 final just the most important
undefined, object
copy deck
- A
- A
- d
- d
- snyder and fromkin
- postualted that there is cultural aspect to neeed for uniqueness, differance between here and japan
- |TAT
- assesses an indivudals personality and self understanding , projective tests allowing for ambiguous stimulu to be presented interpretations were they key
- object realtions theory
- object realtions emphasizes how peopel come to view reaeltionships wieth outher peopel and encompass thigns such as oru interpersonal wishes and our emtional respoinces to other people (has to do with the tat)
- western TAT
- demonstrated people with borderline personality disorder typical have very unstable personal relatiionships and this was shown on the tat
- eeps
- edwards personality preference scheudle: widley used meaure in clinical and counselling situations EEPS uses ipsative scoring which tend to bias scores
- ADjective checklist Grough and hellburn
- 300 adjectives also includes peronal creativity
- the PRF
- the personality research form; most promising measure to tap needs (douglas jackson) found 1) asthetic intelectual factors 2) dependance verses authomony 3) oreintation toward work verses play 4) outgiong soical leadership 5) self protective vs submissive orienation
- costa mcrae on prf
- found linkes between PRF factors and NEO factors
- Acheivment motivation
- refers to the drive and determintion that a person has to attain goals invovlign work school or job performance (david mclelland)
- david mclelland and acheivment motivation
- examined peoples fantisies to asses their acheivement motivation
- Mcclelland and freidman
- explored the association between child training practice an acheivment mtoviation in natuve american , assssed the coding of acheivment imeragy in folk tales , cultures that placed a greater emphasis on independance training adn autonomy also had high elvels of acheivment motivation
- Ramirez price williams
- investiaged acheivment motivation in black and mexican chidlren found that they had greater family acheivment mtoivation than indiviudal acheivment motivation
- atikinsons theory
- peope high in acheivment motivation liek moderate tasks, do not lik hard and do not liek easy, has to do with the feedback they recevie
- byrne and Mcdonald affiliation motivition
- used scoring format for tat responces showed, people with high affiliation motivation prouces troies reflecign high appraoch tendencies and low avoidance tendiceis.
- hill; interperosonal orienation scale
- demonstrated that there are different motives that may operate within the same motivation domain, two peopel can hve equal need to be with outher peiopel but htis can be expressed in differant ways.
- festingers similarity hypothesis
- beleif that we perfer to compare ourselves to people who are similar to us becuase that provies us with the most feedback
- Winters power motive
- need to have a impact on outhers and the world at large, reflected effectance
- winter
- presidents, richard nixon need for acheivment bad need for power good
- schtese need for power tesosterone study
- found peopel wiht high need for power had elevated leves of tesosterone to the godfateher, chickflick, elevated leves of progerstrones
- robert emmons
- presonal strivings reflect persoanlity traight and other perosnal charactrersiics acheivment mtoivation power motivation intamcy motivation higher acheirvment more
- brain little
- prsosnal projects, set of interrelated acts extendign over time, personal projets are similar although not identical to life tasks an dpersonal strivings, focus on the issues relevant to a persons life.
- tafarodi
- Tafarodi et al. (2004): Canadian and Japanese students do not differ in their overall level of need for uniqueness, but hey did differ in how the need was expressed. Japanese students are less likely to act in a way that makes them stand out.
- simons et al
- students with greater acheimvent strivigns reporred fewere alchol realted problesm than students with less acheivment strivings
- schutlese
- less sexual activity amount peopel low in power motivation
- what percentage of the poplulation is self acutalized
- maslow: 1 percent
- maslow process oreinted view
- person could reach a state of being self acutlaized but cut lose the state
- characteristics of self acutalized
- superior perception fo reality increased accpetance of self of others of nature increased spontinatiety and creativeness incrased problem centering increased desire for praivacy greatre freshness of appraiction higher requency of mystiacl peak experinces changed interperonal realtions more deocratic characterstucture
- desacrilziing
- a defensive way of minmizing and irnoing the sacred value of being needs
- jonah complex
- type of nerosis, people are afriad to raech thier full ptoental
- alexander
- trascendental mediationw as mucb more effective than relaxation trainign in rasiing levels of self acutalizertion
- flett and perfection
- more striving for perfection less self acutalization
- kasser and ryan
- the pursuit of extranl goals such as becomeing wealthy assoicted negativly with self acutlization, while pursuitng intrisnic goals and goals such as contirubing to ojens comunity and associted with incrsed self acutaliztion
- carver and baird
- self actualization was not lower for people who pursuited external goals such as become wealthy if they did it for self determiend reasosn that reflected a sense of persoanl autonomy and self contorl
- domingez and carlton
- authortiative aprenting from both parents was linked with self acutalization
- guttman scale analysiss
- realted to datat of the hirachy of needs
- lecaric et al
- self actualization is a dynamic proces rather than an end state
- Hostede
- pointed to maslows heriachal model as an exmaple of a over exrapolting models with indiviuasitic oreintation
- yang
- differant heirachal models of people in indiviudalistic verses collective
- common theemses in humanists
- central role of personal growth importance of openess to personal expeirnce living in the here and now the inherent goodness of epople empahsis on the phenomoly of the indivudal nad unique percpetions and view poitns of each perosn theme of personal responciblity we are all capable of potenital levels of greatness
- defcicny motives and maslow
- maslow beleived that neuris can be regared as a deificny deases a neurotic indivudal needs somthign that is absent whishes for saftey belngonigness idneitifaciton love realtinshisp and respcts and prestige
- maslow and neurosis
- neurosis represnts a loss of capacity or capability
- heirachy of needs
- phsyiolgical saftey belonging love needs esteem needs self acutalization
- d love
- a deficent form of love that invoels asatsifyng persona needs and grafifciations
- durkehiem
- anomic suicide
- baumeister and leary
- need to belong is a core need that ahs mutple and strong effects on emtional and cogntiive patterns
- murphey gorden millen
- saftey rose to the rop ater 911
- peak experinces
- moments person feels heavenly and there is a sence tha ttme ans space and been trancended
- b values
- maslow postulated that there are meta motives whech he refired to as b values failure to realzie and atttain these resutls result in meta pathalogieis or ilness of bieng human
- ruth benndicit
- concept of syndergy: a culture has high synergy peopel and system were focus on mutal reward of well bieng of soceity
- carl rogers
- ultimate goal was to beocme a fully functionign human
- phenominal field
- reflects the totality of our existance, related to percepetual concsou awareness
- unconditional postive regard
- is a postive roeiantion toward the self is epxeine indpenadntly of a persons ineteracitons with otuher peole
- conditions of worth
- represnt conditiosn that society puts on us that does nto resuts in unconditioanl postive regard
- key of rogerain therapy
- modify ideal self
- actualizing tendency
- everyone has internal organistic vlueing process
- rogers and defence mechanisms
- used when feedback doe snto jibe with self perceptions reduces anxiety
- perfectionism cognitions inventory
- cogntiive rumianhtion over msitakes and imperfectiosn (differance betwen acutal and ideal self)
- Flett PLI
- correlated strongly with depression .
- assor
- reproted that mothers who reproted tha tthey were epxoswed to conditiosn fo roth had lower level bieng and they themselves had more ocntrolign parentin sytle. same apprach in socialign their daughers.
- usher
- ceretain aspects not suitable for cross cutlural couselling
- poyrazi
- turkish did nto do well under this authortiarian goverment, recepie for confusion
- markus and katakna
- need for personal regrad does not expand to japan
- ohtani and sakuria
- translated the multi dimensioanl perfection scale high socialy presicved prefectionsims as asscoitd with depressioand hpeless in japamens studends
- need
- infleucnes our perceptions cogniations and actions and is most evidenct when there is recognizable defitrict between oru current state and state wehre we would liek to be
- refractory period
- when the need is sessntialy dormant and virutally no incentive iwll elicit
- inducible period
- when the need is inactive but is ready to respond to an exciting stimulus
- active period
- when the need is alsmost if not entirly deermin ongiong behv0oir
- subsidizatin of needs
- when other needs are recrutied to promtoe anouther need that is more pwoefull
- subsidary need
- the recruited need
- determinant needs
- the need that is more powerfull
- ordination
- the process of planninga dn implenting shceudles in order to recue conflict amougn two or more goals taht are seekign expression at the same time (egos job)
- Difuse needs
- global pervasive needs that operate across many settings
- practive needs
- stem form inside the person
- reactive needs
- triggered by enviromental presss
- manifest needs
- overt and reflected directly by behvoirs
- latenent needs
- more abstract adn are resptened in symbolic form
- conscous needs
- retrospective but immeidably availble on concouss awareness
- unconscous needs
- opposed to aperson soical or publci personality
- viscentric
- primary needs are as deinfed by murrey (phsiolgical needs)
- Tafarodi et al 2004
- japense studetns are less likely to at in a way that makes thems tand out. do not differ int the need for unqie ness but for the differances in the way to show it
- edwards persoanlity perference scale
- Adjective checklist
- gough ahd heilburn 300 adjectives, , needs and measures the degree to which a person has creative personality
- Affiliation motivation
- people with high afilaituion moivition produces tores on the tat relfecitn ghigh aprpach tendeicnes and low avoidance tendencies
- socail comparison hypthesis festinger
- when we are unsure of our opinions and attitudes or whether our perforamnce is good or bad we engage in soical comaprison to establish whether we are similar to other peopel or atypical in some respects
- winter need for power
- we need to have an impact on otherso or the world at large
- effatance
- need to have an impact on people places and objects
- Schulthesise et al
- undergradute students with higher power motive reproted more freqeunt sexual intercourse and more drinkings scheultthese godfather verses briges in conty testernone verses progrestonre in people with high power motive
- Emmons
- personal strivigns idiographic goal directed untis that represnt what the person is typically or characterstiicly trying to do
- Simmons et al
- students with greater acheivement striving reproted fewer alcholol realted problems thatn stugends with fewer acheivment strviings reproted fewer alchol problems
- two needs essentail for rogers
- unconditional prostive regard
- unconditional postive regrad
- postive reard for the self regardless of enviromental feedback
- goal of rogerain therapy
- to modify conception fo self
- what the fuck is acutalizing tendencies
- every living thing will do its best/ organicistic (its natural biolgoical predispotion 2) its is active process which is why peopela re awlays explriting or intiaiting bhevoir 3) it is directional and poitned towards growth 4) it is selective (some capabilities are detected
- when can a person become fully functioning
- when needs for postive self regard and self acutalization are met
- for rogers whend oes anxiety occur
- when feedback does not jibe with a our interal self perceptions
- what is the PCI measuring
- cogntivie rumination over mistakesa and imperfections suppsed to measures difference between acutal self and deal self correlated with depression (
- rogerian cleint centered therapy
- uncodintontional psotive regard reminds the person what they ahve learned emphasis on ability to verbalize key issues and themse and experince these feeligns a they work toward a growth state
- psychic secrtions
- povlov decided to conduct controled expeiremnts of this pheonimon
- flooding
- extinction is at the root of clinical intervention tecnique called floooding. it is a behvoiral
- differentiation
- ocurrs when a organism learns to respond specifically to the exact cs adn deos nto respond to a highly similar tismulus
- generalization
- if a similiar stimuli is to a cs elciits the repsonce
- Rescolas wagner
- ucs is more effectivce in condiiton it is is suprising and unexpected
- blocking effect
- when a new unconditioned sitimulus is attached to the first ucs which si nwo ocnditioned it is blocked
- experimental neurosis
- pavlov - refers to the confusion that happens when two two conditioned responces are adapted by the same cues dog got angery or depressed, dog was dominated by inhibition or excitation
- radical behvoiralsm john b watson
- that only observable behvoris should be studies in psychology
- radical enviromentalism
- that enviroment has the biggest infleucne on our behoirs
- Mowers two factor theroy
- 1) condtioned bad with phobia 2) operant conditioning of averting phobia and rewared
- prepared learning
- we are geneticaly prepared to fear some things
- watsons view on personality
- downplayd the posssiblity of consruction factors that contibute to subseuwnt life otuocmes for him a few key conditiong princples could explain alsmot any human behvoir he belevied that personality is meerly a endproduct of our habit systems and that we can view our habit systems by waching a persons activity streams
- nest attachments
- habit system devleoepd ear life that are not good
- CC in humans Lumure nad quisey
- conditioned sprots picktures wiht nude phhotos boners ensued
- Eysnicks view on pusnihments and reionfrocemnt
- postuated that there are important differences int he eases of conditioing speicicaly eysneck hyptoheized that inroverts relative to extroverts can be conditione dmore easily ad realidy
- typologial postulate
- tied these differance to introversion and extroverion adn clinical casses of hystirea and diathermia
- gray
- big differnace he suggested that their are differances between suceptility to reward and punsihemtn between exproverts and introvers extroverts mroe syutiable for rewards inrtoversts more suitable for punishemnts
- carver and white
- bis \"i think somthign unpleasant is giong to happen to me, tying intro version to punishemnt Bas rewarard responcivess linked to willingness to appraoch outheres and bas
- shaping
- entials priving reward in gridual sequence to repsonce that are succesive approximations
- fixed ration schedule
- like a slot machien, might hit 9 might hit 4 averging every five tiems reward
- varaible interval
- requries an average amount of time passed, but does nto reward at the same time period
- fixed interval
- reward eveyr five minutes
- responce heirachy
- introduce to aknowledge taht the saem cue for a paticualr person can have mutlipe rsponce asscited with it one being more dominant thatn the outher
- william james
- social me spiritual me and material me
- james self esttem formulua
- succcesses/pretentions
- wj two ways to raise our self esteem
- lower goals incrase accomplishments
- cooley high looking glass self
- a sence of self depends on the reactns of other peopele, how ourhter peope treat us is liek looking in a mirror inorder to see oneself
- self presenation
- some people simply want to make sure that other people ahve an accurate sense of them
- Meta accfuracy Kenny and de Paulo
- refer to the extent people knwo hwo others see them (not very good)
- Baldwin
- introduced the concept that how a person vies himself or herself
- lang root of psychosis
- lang said the root of psychosis is the differance betweena cutala true self
- felson symbolic interaction
- our self appraisal the acutal appraisl of other people our perception fo other peosles apraisl
- erik erikosn psycosocial stages intro
- it provided a lifespan thoery streches form cradle to grave, postulted 8 different stages each stage is a resltuon of a key task or challenge in order to movre to teh next stage to acheive a certaibn psycholgicl characitrisic
- identiy cris
- fialed serach for a sence of peronal idneity during adolsence and early adult hood
- baumesiter
- idenbity confict verses identity defiic t
- Generativity in older people
- generativity veres stagnation is associed with middle adult hood, generativity is the willingness to engage ina cts to promote the well being of younger geneartions in order to promote the longe term surival of speiceis parest teachers mentors and community activists parents teachers mentors and community activis are g ood candititadtes for gentivity
- adminst abun
- argued that generativity is mtoived by two eky soruces 1) inner desire 2) cultural demand
- westermayer
- greater health in genativity people blaah
- marcias level of ego identity status
- identiy acheivment forclsoure moratorum idenity diffusion
- identiy acheivment
- predicted by low nerutocism and high concousness and extroversion
- moratoruim
- state of suspension frustration can make up thier mind dont knwo what thier goals are status is simply maintianed
- foreclosure
- has a clear expression of commitemnt but has not expressed an identiy crisis yet, assoctied with idealization of family
- identity diffusion
- distancing yourself from your parents insecure forms of attachemnt
- self verification thoery
- suggestss that people strive to attain a sence of self inroder to mainitan some continuity and foster predictability and control (cognative dissoance)
- self improvment HENE
- drawn attention to this mtoive by detail high self critical nature of people from japan.
- Goffaman Self presentation
- liked the act of self presentation to begin in a theatrical performance with peiopela cting as performs. He argues performaers often present an ideali elf as a form of impression manamgent called a front
- festinger
- soical comparison occurs when peopel are uncertain perhaps becuase they ahve recevie some ambiguous feedback they compare themselves to other people we seek peopel who are simialr to us in many categories and compare ourselves becuase thsi produves with the msot releveant information
- if self enhancemnts is the goal
- they compare themseves to somonje who usualy is worse than it is rsiky becuase if they perform better than you feel like shit
- gergen mr cleen verses mr dirty
- students with mr clean expedite a drop in their self eseteem but exposure to mr dirty led to a sharp increase in sself esteem , social comparison
- self relevance effect Wagner cohen
- is that a word is more quickly remembered in subsequent memory recognition ask if the partipcant and indicated that yes the word did describe them
- ian mcgregor = compensatory conditioning
- ahve described to aphenomena they call comensatory condtion that is presumably linked wwith the mtoives for peopel to have self consistency showed that being made to fell ucnertain about a personal realtionship resutled in more extrme views about a social view
- spontaneous self concept
- mcguire and padwing scale
- mquire distinctiveness hypthesis
- mcguire suggested tha tpeopel with a unique facotr, are disaprtly more likley to mention this characterisic when they are describin themslves this is due in par to the fact that the people are more lilley to descibe themslves in a way that distinguishes one selves
- markus nuruis
- suggested that possible self is a mental representation fo waht we coudl ibe in the future it is a powerful motivaing force peopel with desirable possible sef will be motitiave to perform behvoria dn conduct themselves in a manner that will help acheive this goal differenc between possible and feared self
- Self discrpenacy theory by Tory higgins
- the acutal self, ideal self and ought self differance sbetween acutal and ideal preicted depression predicted depression differences between acutal and ideal
- robins et al
- self esteem high in children dropped in youth high in adutls and then low again in seniors
- uzbek
- men have higher self esteem than woman obtained gender difference was higher for peopel wiht low socioeconomic status
- cambell culture of self worth model
- cultures are becoming creasinly indivudalistic
- morris rosenburg
- focus on self esteem as a global measure of genral self worth
- paridoxical self esteem
- extremely critical perfectionists are peopel who may suffer form pardixical self esteem thay may feel very capable and sene that they can atttain perfection but this doesnt mean they oike thesmelves
- Name the letter method
- people to rate how much they like each letter in the alphabet their intials rate them determien self esttem
- rosenberg self esteem scale
- participants were requried to click on self releant words and then either smiling or forwing nuetral face , when self relevant words were paired with ahppy face high levels of implciit self esttem were detereceed.
- Elliot
- low mattering associtionw ith low self esttem asspocited wth deprssion asocitd with suicide idelation
- luthanen and crocker
- collective self private collective self esttem, public collective self esttem member sheip self esttem
- coopersmith self esteem inventory
- power signifance viritue and competence
- peirs harris self concept scales
- measures intellecutal and school status and phsyical appearance and attributes more generaly about self concept thatn about self estteem
- duval and whichlund locus of attention
- will detemrine ones locus of cuasal attribution
- trapwell and campbel
- self absorbtion paradox, self foused attention can be good at times, can be highly maladaptive if runnation is inovled
- trapnella nd cambil
- rumination reflection question measures self concept and self focus
- self mointoring scale my snyder
- extroversion factor, other directedness factor
- briggs and check
- extroverion factor associted with good eprsonal adjustment but the outer directeness factor was assoteid with poor adjustment and lower self confidience
- self handicaping
- is any action or chocie of perfoamnce setting that enahcnes the opprotunity to externaize failure and internalize success, so that fialure is seen fo reflect factors outside the self but successes relfect direclty onto the self
- leavy and shepereded
- argued that there are two distict forms of behvoiral and self reproted
- bergas and jones
- suggested that self handicaping reflects a uncertain self rather than a negative self
- rodwalt
- studied handicppaing in swimmers
- banduras soical learning theory
- 1) attention 2) retention 3) reproduction 4) motivation
- hene self imrovement
- drawn attention to th emtovie by detail highly self critical nature of peopel from japan
- self enhancment
- imrpove moods and emtions related to self
- self improvment
- is improving the self
- self relevance effect wagner and cohen
- is that a word is more quickly remembered in subsquent memory recognition task if the particapnt and indicated yes that the person did describe them (onlyu in indivudalistic utlrues)
- linville
- has argued that some people organize self knowalge into a few main cateogires involving the self, while other peopel organize self knowedge into several maincategoreis thata re preaosnly meaningfulla nd highly salinet, she gugested that the degree ofs elf compelxity is an improtant buffer against stress and threat in terms of vulnerability people with low self compelxity tend to put all their cognative eggs in one basket
- self concept clarity
- refers to teh degree of certianty and lack of ambiguity that people have regarding themselves
- jennifer cambel
- across a seirs of studies she establisehd that people who have less self ocnept clarity have lower self esteem
- self esttem
- it is a sense of regard we have for ourselves, peopel with low self esteem, having exceeding negative views on themslves typicall peopel have a need to maintina a postive view
- jennifer cambells cultural self worth model
- north america is beocming increasinly acceptable to adpot a indivudalist stance adn attemtp to promtoe self worth of each child, not all its cracked up to be
- Morris rosenberg and self liking
- focus on self esteem as a global measure of general self worth
- self liking verse self competence
- selk liking invovles perceive a sence of social worth while postive or negative evaltions of the self and realted feelings of self worth internalized social standards of approatiatness self compteence: is similar to bandurs concept of self effiacy
- paridoxical self esttem
- high compitance but dont like eachotuher
- implicit associaitons test
- this is a reaction time measure that invovles sorting wrods into categoreis across theroeis and traisl the catoerigse incldue self worth wrods psotive and negative wrods, during certian segemtns of the task peopel respnd quick to the word they are associted with
- rosenberg self esttem scale
- particapnts were requried to click on self relevant wrods and there was either a simialr or fronwing face they could clkick on
- rosenberg mattering
- is one concept perived mattering is a sence of feeling signifigant to others espeicaly those who are close to you mattering is a indivudal feeling ath he or she coudsn, potent predictor of welling bieng elltion low mattering associted with suicide idelation
- luthanen and crocker 4 factors
- private collective, membership public collective and imprantce idneoty
- blanton and crocker
- given a fake iq give reutls of perofmance self esteem varied adn social appearnce did not shows taht that re multiple factes of self esttem .
- Duval and whichlund
- prosped that ones locus of attention. if a person has focused attention on inward self though and perosnal feelign asked to make attribution she will impliat ehte self in contras if a perosnt end to focus his or hr attention onf acotr in the nvirometn the subsequnt attibiton ocuses on extrnal cues outside the self
- self monitoring
- snyader fist introduced the topic high self montiros are like camelosn, execpent at readng situation prompts and interperosn cues and moulding as haping their behvoir in accordince with thsoe cuses
- self montiroing scale developed by snyder
- professional stage actors hav ehigh score on smsm
- briggs and cheeck self mintoring
- extroverionf actor associted with good personal adjsutment, outerdirecness facot associted with bad personall
- leavvy and shepered
- two distict forms of self handicappign behvoiral and self reproted
- bergas adn jones
- suggested that self handicapping relfects a prevosu competnece complex that is due to ahving a very uncetians elf rahter than sijmply low self sestem, peopel with unceritan self estteem need to construt reassuran cena evidenc eo wrothenss
- zuckerman sensory deprivation tow factors
- cognative appraisal introvet or extrover, (underaroused keeps them giong
- lazarus adn folman
- primary appraisla verse secnday appraisl
- post traumatic growth inventory by tedeschi and calhoun
- asses the perceived personal grwoth using five subscales new possiblties realted ot outerhs personal stregnth application of prolfiic spriautal change. has to do with seconardy appraisla optimists verse pessimsits ie argmstrong engaged in cognative refrmaing
- Zeidner and ahmmer
- examiend how israli coped with scud missle attacks, emtion focused copign was associted with greater anxiety and physical symtpms
- constituional risk factor model by zuckerman
- model based on the premise that perosnality is a indpendant risk factor for health, zuckeramn attrubated ifference in sensation seeking and health it is important beucase it underscores the need to ocnsider the biologicla roots of that serve as constituional risk factors.
- ilness behvoir model
- based on the premise that perosnality is lionked through its assocition with adpative or maladaptive halth realized action. high concousness more exersize, neurcoticsm more smoking
- stes moderation medation model
- according to the stress moediation model personality can play a role by mediatoing or moderating hte imapct of stree.
- Stress generation model
- certain people find ways ot make things more stressfull for themselves
- problems with self report measures.
- disability hypothesis: is that all illness leads to high level of negative affect sympertom perception hypothesis: is that neuroticsm and negative effect are accompanied by greater effectiveness to somatic cues and it is greater effecivness that accoutns for the link between neruocism and physical sy mpotms.
- Naive realism
- to describe the mistaken beleif the self reports are an accuate relection of objectivity determiend health sattus
- limits of cross sectional research
- many persoanlity studies are corss ectional investiagions many perosnality and health studies also asses particapnts at one point in time, not possible to claim that perosnality claimed a causal role
- tice and buamesiter
- procastiantion showed less stress at teh beggining of the term and more stress at the end of the term, limtis of cross secitonal research
- defensive pessimensm
- people who motivate themeslve by making themslves feel acnous about possible out0ocmes
- defensive pessism cantor and norman
- adaptive early in uni but by 3 or 4th year people wore themselves out
- attributes of type A personality
- strong competive drive an intense desire to meet goal that are somtimes ambiguous and poorly defined speend and impaitnece espcialy with respect to deadlines persistent vigorous physical and mental acitivty high level of mental and physical alterness
- uncontrallability model
- type a is an attempt to gain control of enviroment
- self evaluation model matthews
- high diffuse standards, increased percepiton between acutal and desired state
- price social learning theory
- 1) scare resrouces 2) no unverisaly apilical moreal code 3) constant need to prove yourself to somone
- roskies
- foudn that progams that meant to curbe type a behviour might jsut hav eadded social sport, rthaer than acutaly stopping type a
- key points on type A
- type a sytle is an intense and competitivea acheivment oriented approach. type a people liek things quick and can be quite comptive although type has many feautres the hostily component is asocited with heart attacks self evlation model of type a behvoir attriubtes behoboir to the prersuit of excpational high diffuse standa sn several elevated levels of self ocncsou and self awareness
- key elements of type C personality
- incrased tendency to expenditure stress an inability or unwillingess to express emtion, helplessness hoplness inclduing a hstory of early loss of parentall clsoeness
- solano temshock
- have found evdience that the presence of type c perosnality predicts faters HIV progression
- type D personality
- jonothan denolet refers to distresssed personality ti consits of two compontents negative affectrivty and social inhbition type D refers to teh distersssed presonaliy, fewer affilative ties with outhers and a greater fear of starngers. type d consider a risk factor associted with cornoray heart disease. negative affecitiy
- two parts of type D and the NEOPIR
- negative affectivity: high neurocistsm lower concousness agreeabless and extroverion social inhibition,low extrverion high neurocitsim
- the hardy personality
- protective resiliency factor that is in keeping with emphasis in positive psychology first described by Kobasa
- three things associted wth hearty personality
- a sence of contorl commitment and challenge if these things are present less likely to get sick more likel to resileint to stress
- typoe H control
- interal locus of contorl
- type H challenge
- recognize that obstaicles will arise and changes will occur when these people confront them head on
- type H commitment
- when peopel are highly invovled have a sence of purpose and meeningfulness
- dewalt and zone hearty
- people with high veres low hardiness, non hardy evaluated a greater portion of thir lives as undesraible
- haryness factors key points
- it is a resilience factor three c\'s hardiness is a buffer between stress and illness hardiness traing reusling in increased self occurance and low level asnxiety (Maadi)
- booth kewely
- concousness was linekd wtth wellness cheerfull people more likely to engage in risky behoirs
- niaive opotmism associted with
- higher levels of extroverion adn lower leves of neurocistsm
- Schwartzberg differant optomisms
- functional optomism: refers to the benefits of opotmism when threat is acutaly experinced, defesnive refers to potmism bias that seems to cahracterize the majority fo people LOT measures funcntional optomism
- Lot scores
- tets dispotional opitnm
- Walsoton and Evils
- suggested that their are domains speicic beleifs about locus of control interm of health outocmes resaerch has indicatd that there is a signifaint asscition between
- health locus of control
- to some extent an internal locus of control with respoct ot health issues is very simialr to self effiacy adn sen eof opotimism
- wallinsons god locus of control
- its all on god, god locus of control scale not good, asspcited with poorer health outomces
- murreys thoughts and frueds
- id reflected needs ego is concously associted with aims and goals super igo is a culturalized product of internalized expecations
- alpha press
- the acutal situaton as it objectivly exsitss
- beta press
- an indivudlas perception of appraisl of the situation
- thema
- refers to the combination of press and personality that combines to produce regularies in bhevoir
- need set
- people who have unsatified need enter a need set sucha that thier readiness to respond in a way to satisfy a need
- inductible period
- need can be evoked through stimulus
- concerns with the TAT
- low test retest relaiblity
- object relations theory
- stems from teh psychanality perspective objects realtions empahsizes how people come to view realtionships with outher peopel and encompass thigns such as our interpersonal wishes and our emtional repsonce to other people
- westin and object realtions theory
- demonstrated people with borderlien perosnality disorder typically have very unstable and chaning interpersonal realtionships. unusaly interpeson content predicts bordlineine perosnality
- factors that came out of the PRF
- 1) aesthetic intelectual factors 2) dependance verses autonomy 3) oreination towards work verses play 4) outgiong social leadership
- mccleland and freidman
- explored the realtion between child training praictice and acheivment mtoivation in native american culture asses the coding of achievment imagery in folk tales.
- winter more ...
- has been particualy intersted in the levels of the need for power and the need for acheivment dispalyed in americna presents high need fo acheivment does is not associtd with succes with presidens beucase events are uncontrolable, need for power however does becasue it is associted with desirable characteristics such as persuation and carisma
- organistic theoris
- which focus on the devleopment of hte entire organism
- self acutalization
- is the continous and unrelenting striving to evenvope ones full peotnaial it relfects desire for both self improvment and self compeltion
- personal responciblity
- although we may deny it, we are ultimatly responcible for waht happens to us
- deficny motives and grwoth motives
- Maslow beleived that neurosis was a deficny diesease, a neruotic indivudal somtign is abcent
- neorosis
- is a lack of personal growth and neurictice needs represnt a loss of capaicty or capability
- general characteristics of needs
- maslow propsoed a unversially applicapal heriachy of needs consiting of five types arrainge by their relevanece to surivival
- durkheim anomnic suiicde
- associted with thrid level love and belonging needs
- flett and perfectionism
- striving for prefectionsim is associted negativly with self acutualziation
- maslow and perosnality
- a person is comped of many perosnality sydorms and acts that relct a integraerd perosnality is the key to psycholgical helath, personality syndromes are not isolated system but exits within teh situation and culturual contexts
- hyde
- similiarites hypothesis; by exmainig found males and femailes imialr in most psycoglical varibles
- acutalizing tendency
- organismic, acitive, direcitonal and growth roeitned, selective
- dibartollo
- two meaurs of self wroth need to feel busy or active all the time inroder to be succesfull and success based self worth
- hovwarth evaltional of cleint centered therapy
- patiens cognative appraisla more important than therpasits acutal actions
- personal oreination inventory
- dy shorstrom differance betwee inner directed adn outehr directed people
- short index of self acutalizaton by crandal and jones
- concerns for factorial validity
- wolopose
- flooding expoure htearpy for anxiety disorders and phobias
- skinners views on perosnaliyt
- joint focus of genetic factors that have evolved to maximize the chances of surivala as well as the indivudals unqiue history of rienforcment
- skinners views on culture
- overarchign effect of culture is that cultures in shaping and maintaining operant behvoris teh fact that culture sruvie resutls form operant conditioning a culture tha tindicatees it smembers behave in teh most efective way will have the strongest culture conflict ensues between countries because they have developed different shceudles of reinfrocemnt and punishment
- malateta Magai
- parents socialize emtions by reward pusnihemnt override neglect
- bandura
- argued that the basic conepts of radical behvoiralism are inadequte to explain teh complex human behvoirs. trail and error learning is too slow to epxlain teha aqcuiston of ocmpelx human behvoirs
- sex role devlopment bandura
- process of aquring the affecive cognantive motivational and behvoiral attributes that are derinfed cultural approatpoe for ones defiend biolgical sex
- perry busy
- children are liklely to imitaite theri same sex parents only if they bleive that is an accuate represntion of how people in taht gender should behvabe
- recpirocal determinsim
- he beleives that the constant itneractions of persona charactersies behoirs and the envokrment tv show speading csi mamia
- leanord eron
- provides an overview of the probam on devlopment of agression agreesion relects a confleunt of mutiple learning proceses and infelucnes cognatiie factors play a virutally imporatnt role substianlly changes overtime in predctors of agressionw eh agresi and realted outocmes subsitaal long term staibliy of agressive behvoir when peopel studies ncaidece contineud into aduslt hoodl
- the social me
- an indivudals awarenss of her or her idenity int he eyes of outehr
- the spirtiual me
- our awareness of our mental state
- materia me:
- the material possession of the body adn teh context that links oneself to ones body
- cooley
- the looking glass self a sense of self depends on the reacitons of othe rpeople and whatching how they treat and interact with u our perception of how othe rpeopel reagard us and view us is called relfected appraisl relfected appraisl amy differ from our self appral
- the divided self by lang
- lang suggested that the root of psychiss is in schizoprenai is the disparity between patiens presnted fast self and his or her true self
- felson symbolic interactions approach 3 components
- 1) our self apprasal 2) our acutal apprasal of outher people 3) our perception of outher peopesl apprasl(relfected apprasal)
- eriksons stages
- trust veres mistrust autonomy verses shame intiave verses guilt industry verses inderioity idenity veres role confusion intimiacy versus isolation generativity versus stagnation ego integrity versus depsair.
- husain and langer
- self esteem tend to rise if a perosn recives prasie but the pstoiovde impact of the praise ons self esttem is blunted amoung peopel who know they are pretneding or playing a role
- gergen
- found taht studnets with mrclean showed a drop in self esttema dn mr dirtly let to a increase in self estteem
- struaman
- although speicicaly self discrpencies to anxiety and depressio have not been supported by empriacal research the role of self descrpencs ien health problems in general hase
- rosenberg on mattering
- mattering is one concpet percived matttering is a sence of feelign sigiance to outehrs espcialy those who are clseo to you sucidide idelation is asocited with not mateering
- domains of self concept
- we all have differant domains of self worht broken up into categories differant doamisn ahve been imperaicly dsiingusihed such as achedmic self setesm adn social self esttem adn atheltic self estteem
- self esttem as a multi domain construct
- it is important to distinguish between taigt self esttem adn state self esttem
- blanton crocker
- give a fake iq give resutls peofmrance self esttem varied but socaila nd appearnce did no t
- Feinseitns self concousnes scale
- provides meaures of private self ocncous public self ocnsou adn socail anxiety, private self concsou invovles focusing on thoughs and relfectiont aht dela with the self
- chang
- showed the optimists and pessimists diffred in their second appraisal of coping responces but not in thier primary appraisals of threat verses challenge. optimists were high in adaptive copign styels such as congitive restucing and they were lower in maladaptive styles such as engaging in which full thinking and soical withdrawal
- standton
- when the stiaution is uncontrolalble problem focused ocpign is not adpative it is better to express ones emtions as a tension relase
- norman endler and james parker
- coping inventory for stressfull situations in thsi model these table ocping styels interact with stuational stress and ocngative prpaisl of the stressfull stuation to detemrien wehter there is an adpative or maladaptive respocne and intensity of htis reponce
- watson and hubbard
- neurcotism was associted with emtional focuses cales, both traight concosusness and extroversion were linked to problem oreitned coping styles
- coping styles and personality tests
- apparentl degree of staigblity over time seems to vary accoring to the copign style measured.
- dolan whtie
- greater coping consientcy was associted with greater copign effectivness
- theoritical models of health and perosnality miller 2004
- accoring to his model perosnality ahd ehath are best regareded as general frameorks that tie toghter in genral rathe than speicfiic