Chapter 10 Gov
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- The terms of FDR and Wilson were characterized by a shift in power towards the...
- presidency
- Wilson harding and coolidge\'s terms were characterized by a shift in power towards the...
- congress
- why was the teapot dome scandal a big deal?
- it exposed corruption
- Albert fall transferred oil control from the navy to the...
- department of the interior
- Albert Fall leased dome fields to operators in...
- 1922
- The teapot dome scandal occured during the______administration
- Harding
- This was the final nail in the coffin for the tenure of office act...
- Myers vs. United States
- What was the decision in Myers vs. United States?
- The the president has the power to remove executive officials from office without having the approval of the senate
- What did the budgeting and accounting act of 1921 establish?
- the framework for the modern federal budget
- This required the president to submit an annual budget to congress for approval
- Budgeting and Accounting act of 1921
- The Budgeting and Accounting act of 1921 created this...
- the bureau of the budget, now called the office of management and budget
- What was the Bonus Army?
- A group of World War 1 vets who wanted to be compensated for their services
- What was President Hoovers response to the Bonus Army
- he basically vetoed them, the country was in the depression and he felt that there were bigger problems
- What did Coolidge believe about government and business?
- that government should be kept out of business
- What term is used to describe Coolidge\'s economic philosophy?
- Leissaz Fair
- Who also agreed with Coolidge in terms of economics?
- Reagan
- How did Coolidge feel about National vs. State Issues?
- he thought that the federal government should stay out of State issues
- What did the 20th amendment establish?
- a beginning and end term for elected officials
- Whatd the 20th amendment shorten?
- the time between election and going into office