undefined, object
copy deck
- vouchsafe
- to give or furnish condescendingly, to grant
- megalomania
- a delusion marked by a feeling of power, wealth, talent
- surreptitious
- stealthy, secret, inteded to escape observation
- transmute
- to change from one nature, substance, or form to another, to transform
- immutable
- not subject to change, constant
- transgress
- to go beyond a limit or boundary
- heinous
- very wicked, offensive, hateful
- insurgent
- one who rebels or rises against authoriy rising in revolt, refusing to accept authority
- fetter
- a chain or shackle placed on the feet to chain or shackle
- sinecure
- a position requiring little or no work
- vicarious
- performed, suffered, or otherwise experienced by one person in place of another
- brusque
- abrupt, blunt, with no formalities
- demagogue
- a leader who exploits popular prejudices and false claims and promises in order to gain power
- cajole
- to coax, persuade through flattery or artifice
- ennui
- weariness and discontent from lack of occupation or interest, boredom
- anomalous
- abnormal, irregular, departing from the usual
- contrive
- to plan with ingenuity, invent
- disabuse
- to free from deception or error, set right in ideas
- arbiter
- one having power to decide a matter at issue; a judge, empire
- bizarre
- extremely strange
- castigate
- to punish severely
- aspersion
- a damaging or derogatory statement; the act of slandering or defaming