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Types of Poems


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a long serious poem that tells a story about a hero often set in the romantic past, odyssey, Beowulf
subjective, reflective poetry with regular rhyme scheme and which reveals the poet\'s thoughts and feelings to create a single, unique impression
non-dramatic, objective verse with regualr rhuyme scheme and meter, which relates a story or narrative.
shakespearean sonnet
3 quatrains and concluding couplet in iambic pentameter, rhyming scheme abab cdcd efef gg or abba cddc effe gg.
Italian sonnet
an octave and ststet, between which a break thought occurs. the traditional rhyme scheme is abbe abbe cafe cafe the sestet, any variation of c,d,e.
blank verse
unrhymed lines of iambic pentameter
free verse
unrhymed lines without regular rhythm.
dramatic monologue
a lyric poem, which the speaker tells and audience about a dramatic moment in his/her life and, in doing so, reveals his/her character.
lyric poetry describing the life of the Shepard in pastoral, bucolic, idealistic terms.
light verse
a general category of poetry written to entertain, such as lyric poetry, epigrams, and limericks. it can also have a serious side,, as in parody or satire.
humorous nonsense verse in five anapestic lines rhyming aabba: a-lines being trimeter and b-lines dimeter

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