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Journalism Final


undefined, object
copy deck
quote with at least one complete sentence
full quotation
combines less than a full sentence of direct quotation with a paraphrase
partial quotation
quotation marks around a single word or two
orphan quotation
writer inserts in parentheses a word or phrase the speaker did not use
quotation with parenthetical material
characteristics of a good quote
short, dramatic, grammatical, self-explanatory
characteristics of a bad quote
quotes that include common knowledge, events that the reporter witnessed
level of attribution where direct quote and name and title of source can be given
on the record
level of attribution where direct quotation may be used, but only a general description of source should be given
on background
level of attribution where neither the direct quote or actual title or name of source can be revealed; should be used rarely
on deep background
level of attribution where no information may be reported, source cannot be used; can be used to gain access to an on the record source
off the record
key elements of obits
focused on person\'s striking fact or accomplishment, lists full ID, time and place of death, cause, occupation, chronology of life, awards, honors, funeral services, suriving family
ethical issues with obits
listing suicides, overdoses, drug/alcohol addictions, and partners in gay relationships
elements of celebrity obits
prepared in advance of celeb\'s death and updated, deal more frankly with details of death and individual\'s shortcomings, more like a feature story
3 steps in reporting speech/meeting
1.) Writing advance story 2.) Covering speech/meeting 3.) Writing follow story
conversational, informal, relaxed, short, to-the-point sentences, uses PRESENT tense
broadcast writing style
2 Main problems journalists have with press releases
1.) Not newsworthy 2.) Not objective
other issues journalists have with press releases
stating the obvious, lacking solid facts, one-sided stories

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