Alfred Lord Tennyson
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- 4 poems to study :
- The lady of shalott, Tears, idle tears, in memoriam and the charge of the light brigade
- born/ died ?
- 1809-1892
- where born ?
- Somersby, lincolnshire england
- what does he publish with brother charles ?
- \"poems by two brothers \"
- \" in memoriam \" dedicated to ?
- his best friend Arthur Henry Hallam
- was called ...
- \" the poet of the people \"
- which group in school was he in ?
- The cambridge apostles
- violent, bitter father
- to remember
- 1830 published his 1st. important volume
- \" poems chiefly lyrical \"
- tennyson and byron in common ?
- Strange sense of guilt
- 1850 name 2 things that happened
- Became poet laureate and wrote In memoriam
- The lady of shalott 4 parts :
- 1.the reapers whispering identification 2.The ladys half sick lament 3. the ladys pronouncement of her doom 4 Sir lancelots blessing
- In memoriam described as a :
- Pastoral elegy
- married
- Emily Sellwood