Psychology 101 Final Exam Terms
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- series of answers to a questionnaire that asks people to indicate the extent to which sets of statements or adjectives accurately describe their own behavior or mental state
- self report
- well researched clinical questionnaire used to assess personality and psychological problems
- Minnesota Multiphase Personality Inventory (MMPI)
- standard series of ambiguous stimuli designed to elicit unique responses that reveal inner aspects of an individuals personality
- projective techniques
- personality test in which individual interpretations of he meanings of a set of unstructured inkblots are analyzed to identify a responders inner feelings and interpret his or her personality structure
- Rorschach Inkblot Test
- projective personality test in which respondents reveal underlying motives, concerns, and the way they see the social world through the stories they make up about ambiguous pictures of people
- Thematic Apperception Test
- relatively stable disposition to behave in a particular and consistent way
- trait
- traits of the 5 factor model:conscientiousness, agreeableness, neuroticism, openness to experience and extroversion
- Big 5
- personality is formed by needs, strivings, and desires largely operating outside of awareness, motives that can produce emotional disorders
- psychodynamic approach
- an active system encompassing a lifetime of hidden memories the person\'s deepest instincts and desires, and the persons inner struggle to control these forces
- dynamic consciousness
- things present in the mind
- conscious
- events memories that could be brought to consciousness
- preconscious
- thoughts feeling, memories, and other information not easily brought into consciousness
- unconscious
- part of the mind containing the drives present at birth; it is the source of our bodily needs wants, desires, and impulses particular of our sexual and aggressive drives
- id
- psychic force that motivates the tendency to seek immediate gratification of any impulse
- pleasure principle
- component of personality developed through contact with the external world that enables us to deal with life\'s practical demands
- ego
- regulating mechanism that enables the individual to delay gratifying immediate needs and function effectively in the real world
- reality principle
- mental system that reflects the internalization of cultural rules, mainly learned as parents exercise their authority
- superego
- unconscious coping mechanisms that reduce anxiety generated by threats from unacceptable impulses
- coping mechanisms
- defense mechanism that involves supplying reasonable sounding explanations for unacceptable feelings and behavior to conceal(mostly from oneself) one\'s underlying motives or feelings
- rationalization
- defense mechanism that involves unconsciously replacing threatening inner wishes and fantasies with an exaggeration of their opposite (example: overly sucking up to someone you hate)
- reaction formation
- defense mechanism that involves attributing one\'s own threatening feelings, motives or impulses to another person or group
- projection
- defense mechanism in which the ego deals with internal conflict and perceived threat by reverting to an immature behavior or earlier stage of development
- regression
- defense mechanism that involves shifting unacceptable wishes or drives to a neutral or less threatening alternative example: taking out your anger on someone else
- displacement
- defense mechanism that helps deal with feelings of threat and anxiety by enabling us to unconsciously take on the characteristics of another
- identification
- defense mechanism that involves channeling unacceptable sexual or aggressive drives into socially acceptable ad culturally enhancing activities
- sublimation
- distinct early life stages through which personality is formed as children experience sexual pleasure from specific body areas and caregivers redirect or interfere with those pleasures
- psychosexual stages
- phenomenon in which a person\'s pleasure seeking drives become psychologically stuck or arrested at a particular psychosexual stage
- fixation
- stage during which experience centers on the pleasures and frustrations associated with the mouth, sucking, and being fed
- oral stage
- - experience is dominated by pleasures and frustrations associated with the anus, retention and expulsion of feces and urine and toilet training - 1 to 3 years old
- anal stage
- experience is dominated by the pleasure conflict and frustration associated with the phallic genital area as well as coping with powerful incestuous feelings of love, hate, jealousy, and conflict
- phallic stage
- child\'s conflicting feelings toward the opposite sex parent are usually resolved by identifying with the same sex parent
- Oedipus Conflict
- -primary focus is development of intellectual, creative, interpersonal and athletic skills - ages 6 to 12 or until puberty
- latency stage
- - time for coming together of the adult personality with a capacity to love, work, and relate to others in a mutually satisfying and reciprocal manner -sexual feelings reawakened
- genital stage
- the conceptualization of psychological abnormalities as diseases that, like biological diseases, have symptoms and causes and possible cures
- medical model
- classification system that describes the features used to diagnose each recognized mental disorder and indicates how the disorder can be distinguished from other similar problems
- co-occurrence of two or more disorders in a single individual
- comorbidity
- suggests that a person may be predisposed for a mental disorder that remains unexpressed until triggered by stress
- diathesis-stress model
- class of mental disorder in which anxiety is the predominant feature
- anxiety disorder
- characterized by chronic excessive worry accompanied by three or more of the following symptoms: restlessness, fatigue, concentration problems, irritability, muscle tension, and sleep disturbance
- generalized anxiety disorder
- disorders characterized by marked, persistent, and excessive fear and avoidance of specific objects, activities, or situations
- phobic disorders
- disorder that involves and irrational fear of a particular object or situation that markedly interferes with an individual\'s ability to function
- specific phobia
- disorder that involves an irrational fear of being publicly humiliated or embarrassed
- social phobia
- idea that people are instinctively predisposed toward certain fears
- preparedness theory
- disorder characterized by sudden occurrence of multiple psychological and physiological symptoms that contribute to a feeling of stark terror
- panic disorder
- extreme fear of venturing into public places
- agoraphobia
- disorder in which obsessive, repetitive intrusive thoughts interfere significantly with an individuals functioning
- Obsessive Compulsive Disorder
- - mental disorders that have mood disturbance as their predominant feature - two main forms (bipolar and schizophrenia)
- mood disorders
- characterized by a severly depressed mood that lasts 2 weeks or more and is accompanied by feelings of worthlessness and a lack of pleasure, lethargy, and sleep and appetite disorders
- major depressive disorder
- same bodily and cognitive problems present in depression but are less sever and longer lasting, persisting for at least 2 years
- dysthymia
- moderately depressed mood that persists for at least 2 years and is punctuated by periods of major depression
- double depression
- recurrent depressive episodes in a seasonal pattern
- season affective disorder
- depression following childbirth due to changing hormone balances
- postpartum depression
- individuals prone to depression automatically attribute negative experiences to causes that are internal, stable , and global
- helplessness theory
- unstable emotional condition characterized by cycles of abnormal persistent high mood(mania) and low mood (depression
- bipolar disorder
- disorder characterized by the profound disruption of basic psychological processes; a distorted perception of reality, altered or blunted emotion, and disturbances in thought, motivation and behavior
- schizophrenia
- patently false belief system, often bizarre and grandiose, that is maintained in a spite of its irrationality
- delusion
- false perceptual experience that has a compelling sense of being real despite the absence of external stimulation
- hallucination
- severe disruption of verbal communication in which ideas shift rapidly and incoherently from one to another unrelated topic
- disorganized speech
- behavior that is innappropriate for the situation or ineffective in attaining goals often with specific motor disturbances
- grossly disorganized behavior
- marked decrease in all movement or an increase in muscular rigidity and overactivity
- catatonic behavior
- emotional and social withdrawl, apathy, poverty of speech, and other indications of the absence or insufficiency of normal behavior, motivation, and emotion
- negative symptoms
- the idea that schizophrenia involves an excess of dopamine activity
- dopamine hypothesis
- emotional involvement (intrusiveness) and excessive criticism direxted towards the former patient by his or her family
- expressed emotion
- characterized by deep ingrained, inflexible patterns of thinking, feeling, or relating to others controlling impulses that cause distress or impaired functioning
- personality disorders
- pervasive pattern of disregard for and violation of the rights of others that begins in early childhood or early adolescence and continues into adulthood
- antisocial personality disorder
- an interaction between a therapist and someone suffering from a psychological problem, with the goal of providing support or relief from the problem
- psychotherapy
- treatment that draws on techniques form different forms of therapy depending on the client and the problem
- eclectic psychotherapy
- explore childhood events and encourage individuals to use this understanding to develop insight into their psychological problems
- psychodynamic psychotherapies
- -developed by Freud - form of therapy that emphasizes the role of uncovering unconscious desires to develop insights into their psychological problems
- psychoanalysis
- client reports everything that flits through the mind without censorship or filtering
- free association
- a reluctance to cooperate with treatment for fear of confronting unpleasant unconscious material
- resistance
- psychoanalyst seeks out latent content of dream, sometimes by free association
- dream analysis
- process by which the psychoanalyst/therapist deciphers the underlying meanings of what the client says or does
- Interpretation
- therapist suggest and interpretation that is absurd and uses the patients reaction to determine if the proposition is accurate
- analysis of resistance
- occurrence when the analyst begins to assume a major significance in the clients life and the client reacts to the analyst based on unconscious childhood fantasies
- transference
- - form of psychotherapy that focuses on helping clients improve current relationships - originally developed as a brief treatment for depression
- Interpersonal Psychotherapy
- assumes that disordered behavior is learned and that symptom relief is achieved through changing overt maladaptive behaviors into more constructive behaviors
- behavior therapy
- involves using positive punishment to reduce the frequency of an undesirable behavior
- aversion therapy
- form of behavior therapy in which clients are given \"token\" for desired behaviors, which they can later trade for rewards
- token economy
- confronting an emotion arousing stimulus directly and repeatedly, ultimately leading to a decrease in the emotional response
- exposure theory
- a procedure in which a client relaxes all the muscles of his or her body while imagining being in increasingly frightening situations
- systematic desensitization
- form of psychotherapy that involves helping a client identify and correct any distorted thinking about self, others, or the world
- cognitive therapy
- involves teaching clients to questions the automatic beliefs, asumptions, and predictions that often lead to negative thinking with more realistic and positive beliefs
- cognitive restructuring
- -blend of cognitive and behavioral therapeutic strategies -structured, transparent, flexible
- cognitive behavioral therapy
- form of cognitive therapy that teaches an individual to be fully present in each moment, to be aware of his or her thoughts, feeling, and sensations and to detect symptoms before they become a problem
- mindfulness meditation
- an approach to therapy that assumes all individuals have a tendency toward growth and that this growth can be facilitated by acceptance and genuine reactions from the therapist
- person centered therapy
- behavior whose purpose is to harm another
- aggression
- principle stating that people aggress when their goals are thwarted
- frustration aggression principle
- behavior by two or more individuals that leads to mutual benefit
- cooperation
- behavior that benefits another without benefitting oneself
- altruism
- the process by which evolution selects for genes that causes individuals to provide benefits to their relatives
- kin selection
- behavior that benefits another with the expectation that those benefits will be returned in the future
- reciprocal altruism
- collection of two or more people who believe they have something in common
- group
- positive or negative evaluation of another person based on their group membership
- prejudice
- positive or negative behavior toward another person based on their group membership
- discrimination
- human category of which a person is a member
- in-group
- when immersion in a group causes people to become less aware of their individual values
- deindividuation
- people expend less effort when in a group than alone
- social loafing
- act of helping strangers in an emergency situation
- bystander intervention
- occurs when individual feel diminished responsibility for their actions because they are surrounded by others who are acting the same way
- diffusion of responsibility
- tendency for a group\'s initial leaning to get stronger over time
- group polarization
- the control of one person\'s behavior by another
- social influence
- learning that occurs when one person observes another person being rewarded or punished
- observational learning
- customary standards for behavior is influenced by another\'s because the latter provides information about what is appropriate
- normative influence
- the norm that people should benefit those who have benefited them
- norm of reciprocity
- customary standards for behavior that are widely shared by members of a cuture
- norms
- strategy that uses reciprocation concessions to influence behavior
- door in the face technique
- tendency to do what others do simply because others are doing it
- conformity
- the tendency to do what authorities tell us to do simply because they tell us to do it
- obedience
- enduring positive or negative evaluation of an object or event
- attitude
- an enduring piece of knowledge about an object or event
- belief
- a phenomenon whereby a person\'s behavior is influenced by another persons behavior because the latter provides information about what is good or true
- Information Influence