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Sociology 101: Final Exam Terms


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program designed to seek out members of minority groups for positions from which they had previously been excluded, thereby seeking to overcome institutional racism
affirmative action
skin color prejudice within an ethnoracial group, most notably between light-skinned and dark-skinned Blacks
unfair treatment of people based on some social characteristic, such as race, ethnicity, or sex
sense of community that derives from the cultural heritage shared by a category of people with common ancestry
laws, customs, and practices that systematically reflect and produce racial and ethnic inequalities in a society whether or not the individuals maintaining these laws, customs, and practices have racist intentions
institutional racism
general terms applied to diverse subgroups that are assumed to have something in common
panethnic labels
individual expression of racist attitudes or behaviors
personal racism
rigidly held, unfavorable attitudes, beliefs, and feelings about members of a different group, based on a social characteristic such as race, ethnicity, gender
form of racism expressed subtly and indirectly through feelings of discomfort, uneasiness, and fear, which motivate avoidance rather that blatant discrimination
quiet racism
category of people labeled and treated as similar because of some common biological traits such as skin color, color and texture of hair, and shape of eyes
tendency for the race of a society\'s majority to be so obvious, normative, and unremarkable that it becomes, for all intents and purposes, invisible
racial transparency
belief that humans are subdivided into distinct groups that are different in their social behavior and innate capacities and that can be ranked as superior or inferior
overgeneralized belief that a certain trait, behavior, or attitude characterizes all members of some identifiable group
subordination of women that is part of the everyday workings of economics, law, politics, and other social institutions
institutional sexism
female-dominated society that gives higher prestige and value to women than men
practice of treating people as objects
male dominated society in which cultural beliefs and values give higher prestige and value to men than to women
principle that women and men who perform jobs that are of equal value to society and that require equal training ought to be paid equally
pay equity
system of beliefs that asserts the inferiority of one sex and that justifies gender-based inequality
population\'s balance of young and old people
age structure
set of people who were born during the small era and who face similar societal circumstances brought about by their shared position in the overall age structure of the population
birth cohort
phenomenon in which members of a birth cohort tend to experience a particular life course event or rite of passage-puberty, marriage, childbearing, graduation, entry into the workforce, death-at roughly the same time
cohort effect
sociologist who studies trends in population characteristics
movement of populations from one geographic area to another
phenomenon in which a historical event or major social trend contributes to the unique shape and outlook of a birth cohort
period effect
the process by which people leave rural areas and begin to concentrate in large cities
condition in which rapid change has disrupted society\'s ability to adequately regulate and control its members and the old rules that governed people\'s lies no longer seem to apply
collective action designed to prevent or reverse changes sought or accomplished by an earlier social movement
process by which beliefs, technology, customs, and other elements of culture spread from one group or society to another
cultural diffusion
a steady rise in the Earth\'s average temperature as a result of increasing amounts of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere
global warming
coherent system of beliefs, values, and ideas
society in which knowledge, the control of information, and service industries are more important elements of the economy than agriculture or manufacturing and production
postindustrial society
collective action that seeks to change limited aspects of a society but does not seek to alter or replace major social institutions
reform movement
collective action that attempts to overthrow an entire social system and replace it with another
revolutionary movement
continuous, large-scale, organized collective action motivated by the desire to enact, stop or reverse change in some area of society
social movement

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