Fitness Foundations 2
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- Macronutrients
- Energy, tissue growth and repair, insulation, transportation, hydration -Carbs -Proteins -Lipids -Water *Need large amounts
- Micronutrients
- Regulate chemical reactions, assist healthy cellular function -Vitamins -Minerals *Need minimal amounts
- How many calories are there of carbohydrates per gram?
- 4 calories per gram
- What are the two different forms of Carbohydrates?
- Simple CHO: glucose Complex CHO: starch, fiber
- What two main forms are carbohydrates stored as in the body?
- -Glucose -Glycogen
- Use of CHO
- -Fuel (Brain Food) -Chemical building blocks -Cell repair
- What is excess CHO stored as?
- Fat
- Recommended Intake of Carbs
- CHO total *45-65% total caloric intake *225-325g in a 2000cal diet
- Recommended intake of fiber?
- -Men: 38g -Women: 25g
- Amount of calories per gram in protein
- 4 calories per gram
- Complete Protein
- Animal Products -Eggs -Milk -Meat
- Incomplete Protein
- Missing one or more amino acid -Grains -Nuts
- What are two types of amino acids?
- Essential and Non-Essential
- Uses of Repair
- -Build/repair tissue -Enzymes -Transportation
- Recommended intake of protein
- 10-12% of caloric intake Do not want to exceed 20% of total caloric intake
- Amount of calories per gram for lipids
- 9 calories per gram
- Saturated Fat
- Raise LDL, Lower HDL Animal Products and Oils
- Unsaturated Fat
- Raise HDL, Lower LDL Missing one or more hydrogen bonds (Olive oil, peanuts, fish,soybeans)
- Low Density Lipoproteins
- -LDL promotes plaque build up in blood vessels -Carries Cholesterol in blood stream
- High Density Lipoproteins
- Carries excess cholesterol to the liver for processing and removal
- Use of Fats
- -Insulation -Protection -Transport -Satiety
- Too much fat causes:
- -Increased cholesterol -blood vessel wall damage -Heart Disease
- Recommended Fat intake:
- <30% total calories
- How many calories per gram does alcohol contain?
- 7 calories per gram
- What percentage of the body is water?
- around 60% -At a 4% loss concentration, decision making, and ability to carry out physical work is affected
- Fat Soluble Vitamins
- A,D,E,K Stored in body fat
- Fat Insoluble
- C, B Vitamins
- Roles of Minerals
- -Fluid Regulation -Muscular contraction -Nerve impulse conduction
- Macrominerals
- Calcium, magnesium, sodium, potassium, chloride
- Microminerals
- Iron
- Free Radical
- An unpaired electron that can damage cells and mutate genes if produced at a rate the body can\'t handle
- Sources of free radicals
- -metabolism -sunlight -exercise -pollution
- Post resistance training meal
- High CHO with protein and some fat within an hour
- Body Composition
- Ratio of muscle mass to fat mass
- Recommended essential fat for men and for women
- Men: 3-5% Women: 8-12%
- Who is more likely to be obese men or women?
- Women
- Problems with BMI
- -Not always accurate for athletes, muscular -May identify a healthy BMI in individuals with elevated body fat levels
- Desirable range of body fat for women 20-39
- 18-32%
- Desirable range of body fat for men 20-39
- 8-19%
- What percentage of Americans are overweight or obese?
- More than 60%
- Eustress
- Improves performance
- Distress
- Performance declines
- 3 main hormones in stress response
- Epinephrine, norepinephrine, cortisol
- Stress
- automatic physical response to any physical stimulus that requires you to adjust/change
- Physical stress responses
- -sweat -increased heart rate -blood flow re-directed -respiration increases -energy is made available
- What system controls hormonal response to stress?
- Endocrine system
- Nervous System role in stress response
- sympathetic nervous system triggers energy output in crisis
- BMI Equation
- BMI= weight(lb)x703/height(in)^2 (squared)
- Recommended body weight according to desired body fat equation
- RBW=LBM/(1.0-DFP)