lab quiz worms
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- what is phylum porifera?
- sponges
- what is phylum cnidaria?
- jellyfish and corals
- what is a polyp?
- when thingies grow up
- what is a medusa?
- when thingies grow down
- what is phylum platyhelminthes?
- free living and parasitic worms. Diffusion respiration.
- what is planaria?
- have flame cells that keep water moving. move away from light. eat and expel waste through mouth.
- what are tapeworms
- long flatworms absorb food through hosts digestive tract.
- what are flukes
- oval shaped. infect blood, bile lungs and digestive tract. snails help spread flukes in rice paddies.
- what is pylum nematoda?
- roundworms. some serious parasites
- what is ascaris?
- parasitic roundwor. males have curved tail females have straight. burrow through intestines move to liver heart and lungs and then swallowed again.
- what are trichinella
- from improperly cooked infected pork. burrow into intestines and offspring carried by bloodstream to muscles and brain. cause problems obviously.
- what is elephantiasis?
- caused by wucheria roundwor. blocks the lymphatic system causing swelling of limbs, lymph nodes breasts penis and testicles. can pass by mosquitos
- what is phylum annelida?
- segmented roundworms. marine worms, earthworms and leeches.