human evolution lab quiz
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- What did hominids and hominoids have in common?
- opposable thumbs and stereoscopic vision
- where was the afarensis located?
- Africa
- How long ago were aferensis?
- 3-4 million years old
- Main big thing of afarensis?
- bipedal - walk upright
- how big are afarensis brain size?
- 375-550cc
- Where was the afrcicanus located?
- all of africa
- how old is the africanus?
- 3-2 million years old
- brain size of africanus?
- 420-500 cc
- where was the homo habilis located?
- all of africa
- how old is the homo habilis?
- 2.5-1.5 million years old
- how big is the brain of homo habilis?
- 500-800cc
- what is significant about homo habilis?
- created tools, some sound and smaller jaw
- how old is homo erectus?
- 1.8 million years old - 300,000 years ago
- what is the brain size of homo erectus?
- 750-1225 cc
- where were homo erectus located?
- all over europe, asia, africa
- what is significant about homo erectus?
- discovered fire
- how old are neanderthalensis?
- 230,000-30,000 years ago
- what is the brain size of neanderthalensis?
- 1450 cc
- where were the neanderthalensis?
- eastern europe
- what is significant about neanderthalensis?
- cavemen, barrel ribs and large noses because cold
- how old are homo sapiens?
- 140,000-70,000 years old
- how big is the homo sapiens brain?
- 1350 cc
- what is significant about homosapiens?
- fought with neanderthalensis' and created clothing, art and engraving