arthistory midterm2
undefined, object
copy deck
- last judgement
- michelangelo
- fall of man
- durer
- the french ambassadors
- holbein
- four apostles
- durer
- piazza saint peters
- bernini
- david
- bernini
- ecstasy of saint teresa
- bernini
- san carlo alle quattro fontane
- borromini
- conversion of saint paul
- caravaggio
- calling of saint matthew
- caravaggio
- judith slaying holofernes
- artemisia
- flight into egypt
- carracci
- triumph of the barberini
- cortona
- las menias
- velazquez
- drawing of laocoon
- rubens
- elevation of the cross
- rubens
- night watch
- rembrandt
- return of the prodigal son
- rembrandt
- self portrait
- rembrandt
- the letter
- vermeer
- allegory of the art of painting
- vermeer
- et in arcadia ego
- poussin
- landscape with cattle and peasants
- claude
- return from cythera
- wattaeu
- the swing
- fragonard
- the village bride
- greuze
- breakfast scene (from) marriage a la mode
- hogarth
- riva deli schiavoni
- canaletto
- oath of the horatii
- david
- the death of marat
- david
- monticello
- jefferson
- apotheosis of homer
- ingres
- riva degli schiavoni
- enlightenment (1760-1800)