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forestry part 2


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feeding roots
feeding roots dont last more than 6 months, found in the top 15 cm of the ground, nutreints coem from decaying stuff.
trees growing in water, they have no oxygen to the roots because they underwater protusions called needs absorv water. roots need oxygen so dont pave around them or you will kill the tree
mosses ferns ETC
Bycicle stuck in a tree
trees grow from their tips two trees came togheter. , wind
take a lateral branch from the bottom of the tree and plant it, it will grow literally, it has been growing laterally so long it doens tknow which ways is up, once a branch, always a branch (spruce and fir are good at this)
deep routed pine
can tell becuase the tree trunk goes straight into the ground
Tree can and do grwo in small holes. on teh side of a cliff and shit
Hells gate (jack ass mountain)
roots can graft togther
they overlap, 2 roots 2 trees and they have cambuim so they get bigger each yera and becuase they are in soil they cant move if one tree dies it will take nutrients from the living tree and grow over the cambuim grows over, can result in a living stump: if one tree dies take nurtiens from teh living tree and grwo over (the cambuim grows over)
in the middle of a 1 year old seedling:
pith, xylem, early wood, late wood, vascular cambruim, phloem, cortex, cork cambuim, cork dead epidermis at this time of year during correlated inhibition, the seedling canbid cells packs sugars in like antifrees, much of hte water is removed so it doenst freeze
on april 1st
canpid cells become juicer (absorb water) - response to heat
late april= park peeling stage
cell division, the cambuim produces soring wood, (earlyu wood), cambuim is dividing very fast there is a wide band not complelty formed cells, the wood and bark are fairly loosely attached; bark peeling
late june
summer wood, or alte wood
growth rings, differniation in colours
early wood is ligh and alte wood is dark 1 year old = one ring 2nd year growth, trunk has two rings, the shoots and branches grwoth from that year have 1 ring.
thinning forest in spring?
early wood is pale and not dense, late wood is dense and darker thinning forests shouldnt be done in spring becuase the bark is very loose.
2 year old seedling
if you take the buds off you will no have any grwoth if you extaract juice from anouther trees buds and spary them the de buddes seedling it will propt cambial acitivty
how do hormones move down the tree
a juice moves down the tree and the juice has growth hormones after shoot growth stops in june apical merstem forms buds need to su
Hormonal theory of wood formation (in gymnosperms)
hormoens are produces in growing shoots in large amoutns during the shoot growth and small amounts during bud formation and they the hormones move away from the place of origin (the shoots) and with graivity to areas of compression stress, the theory says , no hormones no vascular cambuim activity, a bit of hormone, some growth late wood a lot, lots of growth = early wood super lots of a hormone...lots of vascualr cambuim vc activity and tis cimpression wood,
compression wood
compression wood is speical becuse as it form it expand and makes the branch want to turn upwards on trees.
do we like compressionw wood?
it is dense and brittle and it shrinks when it dries
hormones, produced in corwn and
used in trunk
false ring
originate from lammas growth, so you have early wood late wood then early woodd again form the homrones from lammas growth
missing ring
no hormones becuase the crown is smalla nd the trunk is long so as the hormones go down the tree it is all used up and there is none left at the bottom.
incomplete ring
a discontinous ring, cuas when there are leaves on only one side o fthe tree, if say two trees are grwoign very close together.
correction of leaning stems
done by compression wood in order to straighten out the tree
how a tree decides to put its nutreints into varous sinks
Sinks, use up nutriens) a tree produces mroe wood in a windy enviroment the wnid stresses the cambuim by swaying too and fro windless envioment tall treees. windly enviroment thick trees, neutrients focus energy on width
crown wood
open grown tree, not croweded, the wood is formed in the crown, wide rings, somehwat similar to ocmpressionwood, teh level of hormones are high
stem wood
less hormoens narrower and smaller rings ecuse of the low hormone level
shade tolerant trees and hormones
worse wood production shate, becuase they have a bigger crown
shade intolerant and hormones
better wood production becuse they ahve a smaller crown
hormoneal wood growth
3 meters a day
compression wood is darker redish,
Juvenile wood
crown formed wood, "core wood" in the middle fo the stem
mature wood
stem formed wood
tight not
top wood contnous with mainstme comrpession wood is not connected to lumber beice, branch was alive when severed.
loose knot
wood not continous, with main stem, daed knot can come uot of lumber vascular cambruim grows over.
hemlock plywood
random knots becuase of random branching
douglas plywood
when live cells are dying they produce chemical called extractives, often colooured fungicidal insecticidal, smells gross
cells taht have died, in teh cetner of the tree = dark
found on the top of hardwood , compression wood
plywood, strong in all directions becuase it doenst shrink
loose (dead), tight (live) peeping toms prefer lose knots
heaviest wood in BC
ocean spray
time from establishing tree crop to harvesting = rotation age
spiral grain/ cross grain
wood is less strong
sapwood becomes hardwood at around ... in doug
10 in doug
what do we likefor buidling
stem wood no knots
red wood
unique amoung gymnos in producing coppice shoots, if the terminal shoot is destroyed or munched by dear, then lateral shoots become leader
windly location
short and fat trees
hemlocks dont float
becuase their heartwood isnt dry
wet days branches
dry days
branches bend up
oldest tree
bristle cone pine (pinusaristata englem) so cal,
steps for frinding the age of a tree
core it grad student suck
zion park utah,
most magnificent place worral has ever been
blue stain fungus
makes ap wood darker, doenst attack heart wood becase of the extractives which are fungisdal
fence is dug in the ground to keep cows from eatin the garden
dr schulemnt, tree chronology
fat rings and thin rings
each ten ring sequence is unique based on weather
primary succession
rocks forest
secondary succession
soil - forest soil became avalable from hurricanse fire celar cuts wind floods
major poineer on the coast
major poinerein the interior
lodgepole pine
what do poiner species like
shade intolerant, like mineral soil, like doug, but doug is long lived so it kinda doenst count sahde tolerant palnts can grow after the soil becomes approapote and their is shade cover ie hemlock
sun scalded
shade leaves expsoed to sun
leafing patterns
opposite, alternate/ whorled
maple always has
opposate leaf pattern
alder leaves
stay green because of nitrogen fixing molecules
carbon dating
certian proportrion of carbon 14 in teh atmospehre which decays
oldeest tree
bristle cone pine
what do the size of rings tell us
tell us about the weather, lots of precipitation or very little
which is more accurate carbon or tree ring
the tree rign dating is more accurate, levels of radio active carbon are more inconsistent
primary sucession
a area lacking organic materal were palnts and tree first start to pioneer.
advanced regeneration
species of trees/plants that come in after the poineers (shade tolerant)
sun leaves
likes sun
shade leaf
likes shade if in sun gets scaleded
climax forests
poineers die and fall down, the doug gets taken over by hemlock forest, under hemlock forest canopy is little hemlock, this sort of forests grow on forever
climax forest chart
organic and dead stuff carbon/ oxygen neutral varied all aged/all size several speicies several canoplies (leaves can be lower down more crown wood more like knots iniitaly the tree is in the shade so the rings will be close together but as they get sunlight the tree grows more in a season and the rings are further apart. iniitaly the tree is in teh shade so the rings will be close togehtehr but as they get sunlight the trees grows more in a season and the rings are further apart stays the same
poineer forest chart
mineral soil no decay takes in co2 gives of 02 trees will be all the same age same sized trees one speicies one canopy more stem wood initialy the rings will be larger than rings in climax forest trees changes all the time foresters like these forests more becuase the same equipment is used to harvest thema nd they do not need to be sorted after harvesting
what causes a climax forest to go away
fire flood etc
compensation point
between photosyntheisis and respiration no net gain or loss low compensation low saturation
50 year old trees
when trees are cut down, rotation age on coast is 50 interior roation age is 75 (grow slower in the interior becuase its colder and dreir
krumholz effect
fewer trees windy lower height
tree height stagnation
rare case in which smaller height than expected beucase there are too many trees in one area
site index
expression of how good a site is in height of tree at age 50
harvest index
proprotion of wood in the main stem
why there are tree species
darwin: thers varaition from sexual redpcution and mutuation, its inheirtedthe fittest survive, enviroment selects them therefor differnt enviroments races varieties spceis
evdince for natural selection on purpose
potatos dogs bannana we can breed differant races of aninmals and plants but not differant species
by accdient natural selection
korean whtie pine introduced to point gray immmune to fungus which is brough over which killed all of maericna white pines native americans small pox
cauliflower/ brussel sprouts
terminal bud , lateral buds all NS
you have one specieis how can u split it in two? across canada tsuga intiguss w. hemock not so much rain in the middle split the one speiceis into east and west now western hemlock and eastern hemlock pangea blaa blaa blaa
selection pressures
climate, temperature, average, extermes,
-20 here -40 interior
dormany in cold weather
length of grwoing season, trees need 60 frsot free days in the north trees get by with less than 60 ffd they have a lot more light
how do trees know to start growing?
trees know to start growing becuase heast sums and threshold and chilling requirment. in teh fall they know to stop growing becuaes of the length of the night.
two differant types of too cold for growth
tundra is to do with lattitude, alpine has to do with altitude
how do trees adapt to fire
trees adapt by having thick bark (like doug, ponderosa pine, western larch)
too hot (dry season dormancy )
fold leaves up to avoid heat.
in whet/cooler area trees will grow on the sunny (often south facing side of the ridge hill. In teh dry hot area trees will grwon the the shade (often north side of rhte ridge or hill )
water and roots (much /little)
too much water, shallow roots, ie in spruce, to much water in the form of snow excurent branchign to shed snow, too little water, drought hardy deep roots
sp wind
adaptation; be decidous or if coniferous grow in krummholz
sp biological things
symbioisi minteral - organic soil no shade - shade enviroment
sp geological sorts of things
selection pressure
The intensity with which an environment tends to eliminate an organism, and thus its genes, or to give it an adaptive advantage.
stagnant logepole pine
too many trees not enought nutrients
climax forets of shade intolerant trees
lodgepole pine
woralls fav tree
subalpine alrch
alder weighed down by snow
corrects itself with tension wood
in the dessert
north will have more growth beucase it is too hot for the south side
Beogeoclmatic econolocal calssification BEC zones
forest region is a geographic belt zoen charactereized by distnictive group of climax tree species, bc has 5 forest regions becuase of its toporgraphy
what are penicls made out of
heat wood
single roofs
they are made of of heart wood becuaes that makes them rot resistant
bec zone described
by tree specieis that inhabit them
clones - Asexual reproduction
happens when a branch very low to the ground gets partially covered, sends down roots, then sends up shoots makes a chocie.
what happens if you cut down a aspen tree
coppice shoots, sent up (coppicing type of clone or shoots coem from shallow roots, suckering clone
cottown wood does it.. we do it probably not with our own limbs
doenst happen in nature, we do it, cut off crown of tree and take a twig from anouther tree, (scion), stick them together. root stock (bottom of grafted tree) and thing you were trying to reproduce. (top of grafted tree)
weeping trees
lots of branches touch ground = layering, quite common in sub alpine
sexual reprodcution
cones |(strobulus/ strobuli) in gymnosperms and flowers in angiosperms.
there are male and female strobuli
if both sexes are on teh same tree, monoecious; dioecous is only one sex on one tree.
two sexes on teh same tree
only one sex on one tree.
Axillary buds in terms of reproductive buds
build repdroductive buds which are complelty by fall, they will pop in teh folliwng sprign adn be mature and fall in teh second year
what percent of energy is spend on sexual reproduction
terrible waste
how do we make a tree infertile
cross breeds are stryle, so cross breed it
how do u determine polination history
you can take a sample form the bottom of the lake and using radio carbon datin figure out what the prominent tree speicesi was in region x years ago
what is blue doug blue in interior
becuase it is retaining moisture
rain and pollen
inhibits pollen flying around so there are fewwer cones
why are the leaves smaller than cones near cones
becuase of distrbution of sink
need to use a fairly local provenance for your seeds, so they are adapted to the enviromental conditions.
how to improve forest tree seed
plus tree cruise, look for better looking trees, choose candidate plus trees dont want relatives becuase they causes inbreedping dont know candiatie are realy plus trees until progeny tests, we breed them by getting scions twig and graft them in clone bank
tree breeding progam what are we looking for
looking for height disease resistance, insect resistance, size of branches, wood properities, when giong out into the forest for potenail parents
clone bank
were progeny are bieng made, kick out bad parents and then tree just go at it,
cultivation trees. tree spacing
67 hectar, want to plant more some of them will die, becuae you want stem whood it comes form closely pakced forests
why would we prune branches off
more stem wood less knots , age 15 thinning, take away trees you dont \\ like compression wood trees
commerical thinning
take a way trees u dont like then use scap liek compression wood trees

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