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Theatre Test 2


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All drama performed at:
Male dominated society
Participatory Democracy
All men were expected to volunteer their time to the community
Religious song/chant/choral ode
rituals performed to this Greek god
First actor- pretended to be Dionysus
City Dionysia
Theatre festivals performances lasted all day here
Greek sources of funding for theatre
1. The State 2. Choregos- responsible for training and costuming the chorus
Greek audiences included:
citizens, visitors, female slaves
"Dancing Place" The alter to Dionysus, where chorus dances
-Holds about 14,000 -"Seeing Place" -Audience seating area
Skene (Greek)
-Structure behind orchestra -"hut or tent" -Actors go and change costume/enterances
What performance style was Greek theatre?
Presentational -Chanted lines -Masks -Large patterned movements
Greek play subjects:
Religious stories meant to teach
How many times a year were plays performed?
Once a year -Springtime
Performance Convention of Greek Theatre
All performers were male
How many actors were there in Greek theatre?
Were Greek actors paid?
Amateur actors paid in "prizes"
Medieval theatre subject:
Religious, meant to teach
Medieval Stage Conventions
Wagon used as stage
Number of Medieval actors:
Hundreds, all boys and men, loved and respected
Definition of Secular theatre
not religious
How often were cycle plays performe?
Once a year- Springtime
Cycle Plays
Bible story acted out with anonymous playwrights -meant to teach
-Funded Medieval cycle plays -Guild members performed
-Small set pieces -Presentational -Medieval
-Banned religious plays -Factions split from church -secular theatre grows
The reformation caused what drastic change in theatre/society relationship?
Theatre became Commercial- self supported
Self Supporting
Was there theatre in the dark ages?
What was the purpose of theatre during the high middle ages?
-Meant to teach -Religious Subjects
What are some similarities between Greek and Medieval theatre?
-Both religious and Civic -Once a year/Springtime -Common Stories -Meant to teach
Who Produced Medieval Theatre?
Who could perform in the cycle plays?
Boys and men
Who could watch medieval cycle plays?
Everyone for free
-"Rebirth" -Revival of ancient, classical culture
-People should be at center of their concerns -This life is important, not just the after life
Globe Theatre
-Theatre where Shakespeare's company performed
Audience members who stood in the pit at the Globe theatre in Elizabethan Times
Courtyard surrounding stage in Globe Theatre
Galleries (Elizabethan)
-Bench seating covered by thatch in globe theatre -Higher levels cost more to sit in
-Elizabethan Theatre Audience -Included men, women, rich, poor
Staging and Spectacle of Elizabethan theatre?
-presentational with moments of realism -Rely on words for mental image
Performance Style of Cycle Plays?
Presentational with moments of realism
Master of Revels
-Member of Queen Elizabeth's court who made sure theatre obeyed laws 1. No Bible stories 2. No Obvious politics
What was the political tension during Elizabethan theatre era?
-Catholics and Protestants at war -Unmarried woman ruling
Did Greek and Medieval times have commercial theatre?
How did theaters deal with politics of that time?
No obvious politics, secular
What was the average attendance of an Elizabethan Performance?
Where was Shakespeare's globe theatre located?
Who did the master of revels work for?
Queen Elizabeth
How many people could watch a play at the Globe theatre?
1500 Max
When did the performances take place?
Depended on weather
-what appears to be true
Neoclassical Ideals
1. Reason-could happen in real life 2. Three Unities- Time (24hrs) Place (one) Action (1 storyline) 3.Decorum
4 Significant Innovations of the Neoclassical Era
1. Dramatic Criticism 2. Scene Design 3. Theatre Architecture 4. Acting
What happened in 1642?
English public theatres shut down
What was King Louis XIV's Slogan and why?
"I am the State" -Had strict control over content
In the Neoclassical era sets were __________.
Representational (recreating)
Stock Sets
-Sets used repeatedly -Generalized location
What aspect of acting changed during neoclassicism?
-Women started acting -Innovation #4
Lines of Business
-Actors played small range of roles -Stock characters "typecasting"
In what era of theatre was Dramatic Criticism created?
Neoclassical (Innovation #1) -Basis for a "good" play
type of comedy using wit and exaggeration to expose individual or institutional folly
What are the three neoclassical unities?
1.Time 2.Place 3.Action
How did scenic design change during neoclassicism?
Perspective was added to create depth (Innovation #2)
How did theatre architecture change in neoclassicism?
The proscenium arch was introduced. Framed perspective. (Innovation #3)
“He needs will be Absolute Milan”
Prospero describing his brother’s political ambitions to Miranda
“I must uneasy make, lest too light winning make the prize light.”
Seeing how easily Ferdinand and Miranda have fallen in love, Prospero speaks aloud his plan to make Ferdinand work for him before permission is given
“The next advantage will we take thoroughly”
Antonio urges Sebastian to use the next opportunity to kill Alonso
“The rarer action is in virtue than in vengeance.”
Prospero is speaking to Ariel. He is announcing that he will have mercy on those who plotted against him rather than keep going with his revenge
Dramatic Action Of the Tempest
Prospero teaches the lesson of civility
Inciting Incident in the Tempest
Prospero conjuring the storm
Climax in the Tempest
(Virtue) Prospero forgiving Antonio
Characters involved in the main action of the Tempest:
Prospero and Ariel
Characters involved in the subplots of the Tempest:
Ferdinand and Miranda, Teinculo, Stephano, and Caliban, Alonso, Gonzalo, Antonio, Sebastian, Mariners, Boatswain
Expected language or behavior
Duty to one's family and to God
Did Tartuffe follow all Neoclassical ideals?
Tartuffe breaks action: Orgon hides under the table
Dramatic Action Statement of Tartuffe
"To get rid of Tartuffe and restore order to the kingdom"
Inciting Incident in Tartuffe
Orgon tells Mariane she has to wed Tartuffe
Climax in Tartuffe
Officer arrests Tartuffe
Denouement in Tartuffe
Mariane and Valere wed, Damis and Valere's sister wed, Orgon has to kneel before the King
Who are the obsessive characters in Tartuffe?
Orgon, Damis, Madame Pernelle, Tartuffe
Who are the pious characters in Tartuffe?
-Mariane -Valere -Dorine -Elmire -Baliff -Officer/King
Who were court audiences composed of?
-Invited and wealthy -Tried to sit closest to king
Blank Verse
writing style that has rhythm, last words of lines are non-rhyming
-Conversational Speech -Sentences without rhythm
Rhyming Verse
Verse (poetry) where two lines meet
-Speech where character is along on stage speaking thoughts out loud to audience -Sorting through thoughts -Blends emotion with action
Was Shakespeare a popular writer?
Why did Shakespeare write in blank verse?
Sounded more natural than previous writers
What is Shakespere's typical pattern in his use of time and place?
Exotic places and History
Why did Shakespeare use so many subplots?
Enhanced: -Action (complications) -Characters (complexity) -Themes

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