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Fitness Foundations Test 1


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FITT Prescription For Flexibility
Frequency- 2-3x a week for maintenance Intensity- point of mild discomfort, no pain Time- 20-30 Sec. Static Type- static, active, ballistic (bouncing), Foam
Benefits of Flexibility
Improved Joint mobility reduce tension reduced risk of injury joint stability
Concentric Muscle Action
Muscle shortens and joints move closer to each other
Eccentric Contractions
Muscle applies force as it lengthens and joints usually move apart
Isometric Exercises
No change in muscle length Ex. Pushing against a wall Often used in rehabilitation Not a full body workout
Isokinetic Exercises
Same Speed Used for measuring strength and power
Same Tension -Improves strength across entire range of motion -Coordination -Helps improve joint flexibility
Improves power (strength relative to speed) -Targets fast twtich
Strength relative to speed
Weight Training Exercise Sequence
Beginner- Multi Joint exercise first Advanced- Single joint first challenges supporting muscles
FITT Prescription for Muscular Enducrance
F- 2-3x for beginners 4-6x for experience I- weight no more then 15x 40-70% 1RM T- 30-60s Rest Period T- Machines, free weights, body weight
FITT Prescription Muscular Strength
F- 2-3x a week for Beg. 4-6x a week for Exper. I- weight no more then 8 times 85-100$ 1RM T- 120Sec Rest Period T- Free weights, machines, body weight
5 Stages of Behavior Change
1. Precontemplation 2. Contemplation 3. Preparation 4. Action 5. Maintenance
Karvonen Formula
HRMAX (220-age) HRReserve(HRmax-HRrest) HRreserve x Lower intensity + HRrest HRreserve x Higher intensity + HRrest
FITT Guidelines CardioRespiratory Endurance
1. 30 Min. physical activity most days of the week 2. 20 Min. moderate-vigorous exercise 3-5x/wk 3. Muscular strength/endurance training at least twice a week 4. Flexibility 7 days a week
Dimensions of Health and Wellness
-Social -Occupational -Spiritual -Emotional -Intellectual -Physical
Max potential for health
Five areas of Health
-Cardio -Muscular Strength -Muscular Endurance -BMI -Flexibility

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