Biology 4
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- Darwins idea on populations outstripping resources was influenced by this guys:
- THomas MAlthus
- WHat are Darwins 5 basic ideas...
- -offspring look like their parents -populations outstrip resources -variation in nature -natural selection -time
- Darwin rejected these ideas:
- Lamarcks aquired characteristics and spontaneous generation
- charles darwin was born in the same year as this famous person...
- ABe lincoln
- what did Lamarck believe about evolution?
- that organisms evolve steadily towards more perfection
- what was the origin of new life theory that lamarck believed in?
- spontaneous generation
- what does Lamarcks concept of use and disuse imply?
- that an organism will only use the parts it needs and those parts will develop more
- What did Lamarck propose?
- he proposed how organisms might adapt to their environments
- who is credited with giving us the first evolutionary mechanism?
- Lamarck
- this guy took fossils into account to explain that he thought organisms arose from the seas
- anaximander
- who was behind the theory that species evolve gradually, known as gradualism?
- Lamarck
- who first challenged the view that fossils might be dead organisms?
- Robert Hooke
- what did creationists think of fossils in the middle ages?
- victims that didnt make it onto the arc in time
- these birds originated in the oriental realm
- pheasants
- how many families of birds are endemic to australia?
- 13
- who assumed fossils were of organic origin?
- anaxamander
- who studied fossils in sicily?
- Xenophanes
- FOssils heavily impacted the prevailing notion of...
- fixity of species
- which odd mammals originated in the neotropics?
- sloths, anteaters, armadillos
- where did possums originate from?
- neotropic
- which plants originated in the neotropics?
- potatoes, tomatoes, avacado, bananas, mangos, maize,
- how many bird families are endemic to ethiopia?
- 6
- what percentage of all mammal species in madagascar are endemic?
- 90%
- how many bird families are endemic to the oriental realm?
- 3
- what are some examples of animals that originated in the paleartic and spread to the neartic during the ice age?
- grizzly bears,red deer, elk, reindeer, bison
- which realm has the most species of all?
- neotropical
- how many bird families are endemic to the neotropic?
- 31
- where did mouse like hamsters originate?
-, north africa
- Where did camels cheetahs and horses originate?
- the neartic...north america
- WHich desert, hot or cold, has more diverse wildlife?
- hot
- what plants are common in hot deserts?
- succulent plants that store large quantities of water
- which biome has the richest bee community on earth?
- hot desert
- where are tropical evergreen forests found?
- equatorial realms that get lots of rain
- which biome is the richest in plant and animal species?
- tropical evergreen forests
- what is it called when a species is found in only one specific geographic area?
- endemic
- where did wolves, foxes, and other canines originate?
- the neartic..north america
- where are temperate deciduous forest biomes found?
- western europe, east asia, east north america
- what are 4 characteristics of temperate deciduous forests?
- the trees lose their leaves during the winter, many tree species are present, temperatures fluctuate dramatically from season to season, evenly distributed rain
- which biome has the richest amphibian communities on earth?
- temperate deciduous
- What two areas is the hot desert biome found?
- 30 degrees north and 30 degrees south latitudes
- what are the driest hot desert biomes?
- the sahara and central australia
- What are the two major ways to look at the distribution of organisms?
- biomes and biogeographic realms
- What are biomes based on
- distinctive vegetation
- what are biogeographic realms also called?
- ecozones
- What is the distribution of biomes on earth influenced by?
- rainfall patterns and temperature
- where is tundra found?
- high latitudes and high mountains
- what is the name of the permanently frozen soil that underlies vegetation
- permafrost`
- What do arctic tundra animals normally do?
- there either dormant for most of the year or they migrate in during the summer
- whats the difference between tropical tundra and regular tundra?
- Tropical tundra has no permafrost
- what are the dominant plants in the tundra?
- perennial herbs and small shrubs
- warm air holds more___ ____ than does cold air
- water vapor
- when warm air rises it gets ____ and more ____
- colder dense
- sum up the rain shadow effect
- leeward slopes of mountains dry while the windwards are wet
- global oceanic circulation is driven by...
- wind patterns
- where do global air patterns occur?
- in the troposphere
- what drives global climates?
- solar energy
- heat energy moves from...
- high to low
- what is the circulation pattern of air called?
- convection
- hot air rises at?
- tropics
- What is the intertropical convergence zone?
- an area of lower pressure caused by rising warm air meeting air flowing north or south from the equator...heavy rains usually fall here
- How is climate different from weather?
- climate is what you is what you get
- What is the realized niche?
- resources actually obtained
- What is the fundamental niche?
- resources available
- what do we now call the factors that malthus said would eliminate organisms over time?
- resources
- what did darwin conclude about variation among species?
- that it was the result of individual adaptation by that species
- what made darwin stand out amongst his peers?
- his interpretation of natural variation
- who gave darwin a basis on his time theories?
- Lyell
- whats a good example of natural selection in action?
- the moths in the english countryside
- what two fossils helped support Darwins ideas?
- toxodon and Glyphodon and hyracotherium
- what was darwins missing link?
- archaopterix
- what are the 5 mechanisms of evolution
- mutations,natural selection, genetic drift, gene flow, nonrandom mating
- what does the term gene flow imply?
- movement of alleles between different populations of a species
- what is genetic drift defined?
- random changes in allele frequencies
- When can genetic drift drastically alter a populations allele frequency
- when its a small isolated population
- what is a bottleneck?
- a catastrophic event that wipes out large portions of a population and can result in the populations allele frequency changing drastically
- which species is a good example of a bottleneck?
- attwaters praire chicken
- what is the name of the effect when a few pioneers colonize a new area( a way genetic drift can occur)
- The founders effect
- how does the founder effect decrease genetic variability?
- it decreases the chance of random mating
- what does sexual selection influence?
- reproductive success
- what was darwins explanation for lots of useless traits in males?
- sexual selection
- what is the loss of alleles due to inbreeding called?
- inbreeding depression
- what is the effective population size?
- the members of a population engaged in breeding
- what happens if there is a decrease in the effective population size?
- evolution can be accelerated
- what are the three results that natural selection can produce?
- stabilizing selection,directional selection, disruptive selection
- when does stabilizing selection occur?
- when the average members of a population contribute to the gene pool more than the extreme ones
- when does directional selection occur?
- when one extreme of a population contributes more to the population
- when does disruptive selection occur?
- when both extremes of a population contribute equally
- what is the popular textbook definition of species concept?
- all the individual organisms of a natural population that generally interbreed at maturity in the wild and whose interbreeding produces fertile offspring
- what is the oldest species concept?
- morphological
- which species concept makes the most sense?
- morphological
- which species concept divides species based on outward appearances?
- morphological
- which species concept did linnaeus use?
- morphological
- this concept is still in use with asexually reproducing organisms?
- morphological
- how can the essentialistic species concept be defined?
- morphology with an underlying essence
- this species concept was used most in the middle ages
- essentialistic
- this species concept depended on species not changing over time
- essentialistic
- which two philosophical concepts arose to reject essentialism?
- plenitude and continuity
- what does plenitude suggest?
- that god would have created every organism possible
- in this concept only individuals exist and cannot be grouped into taxa
- nominalism
- This species concept emphasizes the importance of reproductive isolation.
- biological
- the biological species concept stemmed from the work of these 3 guys:
- John Ray, Darwin, Mayr
- THat it only applies to sexually based organisms was a problem of this species theory:
- biological
- what was the leading criticism of the 1942 biological species theory?
- that all that was needed to support species status was to show proof that populations were breeding successfully
- the criticism that the niche was redundant was directed at this species concept:
- biological
- this is the most popular species concept for vertebrates
- biological
- people think this concept might not point to the true unit of evolution
- biological
- what is a major criticism leveled against the BSC by proponents of phylogenetic?
- they argue that species designation is assigned to late in the game and that it should be assigned at the first hint of separation
- this concept was proposed when people decided to look at evolutionary history in conjunction with phenotypes
- phylogenetic species concept
- this species concept does not place an emphasis on reproductive isolation
- phylogenetic
- what am i talking about when i say "the level of distinction based upon uniqueness of a derived character
- apomorphy
- population descending from an ancestor aquires a shared, derived, character...what is this
- autapamorphy
- no taxa exist below the species level in this concept
- phylogenity
- what is it called when gene pools become separated?
- speciation
- what is the critical process in the formation of new species?
- segregation of the gene pool of the ancestor species into two new ones
- what are the two main processes of speciation?
- sympatric, allopatric
- what does allopatric speciation require?
- complete genetic isolation
- sympatric speciation occurs without:
- physical barriers
- what is a polyploid?
- more than two sets of chromosomes
- where might disruptive selection be happening?
- on a fruit fly
- speciation is a ______ event
- macroevolutionary
- what are reproductive isolating mechanisms?
- evolution of traits that prevenet interbreeding that keep populations from mixing their genes
- prezygotic barriers operate_____ ______
- before fertilization
- what does habitat isolation describe?
- individuals of different species may select different habitats...which means they may never come into contact
- what does temporal isolation describe?
- if the mating patterns of two species do not overlap they may be reproductively isolated
- what does mechanical isolation describe?
- incompatible genitalia
- what does gametic isolation imply?
- inability of sperm to fertilize egg of another species
- behavioral isolation
- individuals just dont wanna do it with other species
- postzygotic behaviors operate_____ ____
- after fertilization
- what does low zygote viability describe?
- a hybrid zygote fails to develop to reproductive vialbity
- what does low adult viability imply?
- offspring might not survive very long (mules)
- what is a phylogeny?
- a hypothesis that describes the history of descent of a group of organisms from their common ancestor
- what is the term for a derived trait that is shared between taxas?
- a synapomorphy