anatomy 3 exam
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- attachments of sartorius
- prox: ASIS dis: medial side of tibia
- innervation of sartorius
- femoral nerve
- mm of medial compartment
- adductor longus, adductor brevis, adductor magnus, gracilis
- innervation of deep-posterior compartment
- tibial nerve
- actions of deep-posterior compartment
- plantarflexion of ankle (all), flexion of toes (FHL, FDL), inversion of foot (TP)
- muscles of deep-posterior compartment
- flexor hallucis longus, flexor digitorum longus, tibialis posterior
- actions of superficial-posterior compartment
- plantarflexion of ankle
- attachments of gastrocnemius
- prox: posterior femur (condyles) dis: calcaneous
- mm of superficial-posterior compartment
- triceps surae, gastrocnemius, soleus
- attachments of Hcompartment
- dis: phalanges, metatarsals, tarsals (plantar side)
- innervation of superficial-posterior compartment
- tibial nerve
- mm. of buttock region
- gluteus max/med/min
- attachments of g. maximus
- prox: iliac crest, sacrum dist: IT band, posterior femur
- attachments of g medius
- prox: external surface of ilium gluteal lines dist: greater trochanter
- attachments of g. minimus
- prox: external surface of ilium gluteal lines dist: greater trochanter
- innervation of g maximus
- inferior gluteal nerve
- innervation of g medius and minimus
- superior gluteal nerve
- lateral rotators
- piriformis, obturator internus superior and inferior gemellus, quadratus femoris
- attachments of lateral rotators
- prox: pelvic girdle dist: greater trochanter of femur
- action of lateral rotators
- lateral rotation of femur
- action of g max
- powerful thigh extensor, laterally rotates femur, back extension
- action of g med and min
- abduction at hip, medial rotation of femur, stablize pelvis during walking.
- mm of anterior compartment
- iliopsoas: iliacus, psoas major
- attachments of iliacus
- prox: iliac fossa dis: lesser trochanter
- attachments of psoas major
- prox: lumbar vertebrae dis: lesser trochanter
- actions of iliopsoas
- primary flexor of thigh (agonist)
- innervation of iliopsoas
- femoral nerve
- mm of quadriceps femoris
- rectus femoris, vastus lateralis, vastus intermedius, vastus medialis
- attachments of rectus femoris
- prox: AIIS dis: tibular tuberosity via patellar tendon
- attachments of vastus lateralis
- prox: linea aspera dis: tibular tuberosity via patellar tendon
- attachments of vastus intermedius
- prox: femur dis: tibular tuberosity via patellar tendon
- attachments of vastus medialis
- prox: linea aspera dis: tibular tuberosity via patellar tendon
- actions of quadriceps femoris
- extension at knee. RF also felxes and steadies hip joint.
- innervation of quadriceps femoris
- femoral nerve
- attachments of medial compartment mm
- prox: pubic bone dis: lineral aspera (gracilis: medial side of proximal tibia)
- actions of medial compartment mm:
- primarily adduction
- innervation of medial compartment mm
- obturator nerve
- mm of posterior compartment
- hamstring group: biceps femoris, semitendinosus, semimembranosus
- attachments of biceps femoris long head
- prox: ischial tuberosity dis: fibula (head)
- attachments of semitendinosus
- prox: ischial tuberosity dis: tibia
- attachments of semimembranosus
- prox: ischial tuberosity dis: tibia
- actions of posterior compartment
- flexes leg/extends thigh
- innervation of posterior compartment
- sciatic nerve
- anterior compartment of foot
- Tibialis anterior, extensor digitorum longus, hallucis longus
- attachments of ant (foot) compartmnet
- distal: (EDL/EHL) dorsum of phalanges
- actions of ant (foot) compartment
- dorsiflexion of ankle (all), extension of toes (EDL,EHL), inversion of foot (TA)
- innervation of ant (foot) compt.
- deep fibular (peroneal) nerve
- mm of lateral comp.
- fibularis longus/brevis
- attachment of lateral compartment
- prox: fibula dis: tarsals and metatarsals
- action of lat comp.
- eversion of foot
- innervation of lat comp.
- superficial fibular (peroneal) nerve