undefined, object
copy deck
- Oxisols
- Tropical
- Spodols
- Sandy
- Ultisols
- Acidic
- Gelisols
- Permafrost
- Histosols
- Organic matter; peets, mucks
- Inceptisols
- Young
- Mollisols
- Grassland
- Aridisols
- Dry
- Entisols
- Leftovers
- O
- Organic Litter
- A
- Minerals
- E
- Elluviated, leached
- B
- Clay accumulation
- C
- Parent material
- R
- Bedrock
- 12 Soils Order
- Alfisols Andisols Aridisols Entisols Gelisols Histisols Inceptisols Mollisols Oxisols Spodosols Utilsols Vertisols
- Alfisols
- Forest
- Andisols
- Volcanic
- Vertisols
- Swelling Clay
- Parent Material Climate Biota Topography Time
- Alluvium
- Materials deposited by water
- Floodplains
- Low flat deposits
- River Terraces
- Somewhat less flat areas deposited by rivers at flood stage
- Alluvial Fans
- Not flat, materials carried down mountain canyons; land leftover during flood events
- Bajadas
- Coalesced alluvial fans at base of mountains
- Peneplains
- Nearly level areas near streams from low flooding
- Playa
- Dried up lake bed
- Marine Sediments
- Limestone and dolomite deposits; beaches and deltas
- Glacial till
- general name for glacial deposits
- Terminal Moraine
- Ice melted as fast as it formed; leaves a dike
- Lateral Moraine
- Ice melted as fast as it formed; on side of glacier
- Ground Moraine
- Ice melted as fast as it formed; leaving flatter deposit from material within the ice
- Outwash plains
- near edges of glaciers; water borne
- Eskers
- tunnels beneath the ice, filled up with sand and other deposits
- Kettle
- block of ice left, sediment wasted around it, ice melted leaving a hole
- Erratics
- Large boulder left behind
- Basal Till
- Under the ice, compacted, holds water
- Colluvium
- Sediments moved by gravity
- Talus
- rock material
- Soil creep
- slow movement
- Soilfluction
- slow movement aided by liquid
- Debris Flow Mud Flow Earth Flow
- self explanatory
- Avalanche
- rapid flow
- Epipedon
- surface horizon
- Anthropic
- affected by people
- Folistic
- infrequently saturated organic horizon
- Histic
- frequently saturated organic horizon
- Melanic
- Thick, humus rich (black)
- Mollic
- Rich in organic matter, dark brown-black, not very acidic
- Ochric
- light-colored, low in organic matter
- Plaggen
- human-caused high humus
- Umbric
- dark, but more acidic than Mollic
- Endopedon
- subsurface horizon
- Agric
- clay and humus rich due to ploughing
- Albic
- Strongly leached, whitish colored
- Argillic
- Clay-rich due to migration
- Calcic
- Calcium-carbonate
- Cambic
- Altered horizon but none of the ones mentioned
- Duripan
- cemented pan caused by silica
- Fragipan
- physically hard compacted pan; not chemically cemented
- Glossic
- degraded clay accumulation
- Gypsic
- calcium sulfate
- Kandic
- argillic horizon of kaolinite clays
- Natric
- argillic horizon with high sodium
- Orstein
- thick, cemented illuvial horizon
- Oxic
- highly-weathered, rich in Fe and Al oxides
- Petrocalcic
- carbonate-cemented
- Petrogypsic
- gypsum-cemented
- Placic
- Reddish, thin cemented pan
- Salic
- salty
- Sombric
- acidic, humus accumulation
- Spodic
- high in organic matter, Fe and Al oxides
- O A E B C R