PR 312 Test 2 - Chapter 8
undefined, object
copy deck
- How many books does the United States publish each year?
- 60,000
- how many days does the average american watch tv per year?
- 63 days
- how many days a year does the average american listen to the radio?
- 41
- 4 steps to public relations communication
- get the attention of the audience, stimulate interest, build a desire and intention to act, and lastly to direct the action to the people who have made it this far
- dissemination
- dissemination is sending a message
- communication
- is a reciprocal process of exchanging signals to inform, persuade, or instruct, based on shared meanings and conditioned by the communicators relationship and social context.
- 4 steps of Informing
- attracting the attention, achieving acceptance of the message, correct interpretation, and storing the message for later use
- persuasion
- goes beyond informing and has a 5th step of getting someone to accept the change
- instruction
- a sixth step in the communication pathway that teaches people what to do.
- Elements of the Communication Model
- The sender, the message, the medium or channel, the receiver, the context, social environment
- The Sender
- the first person to initiate communication.
- Hovland
- the "sleeper effect" which is long term message impact in the comm model.
- The Message
- Meaning is in people, not words. Some people interpret the exact same message differently
- Message Recommendations
- Present both sides of the issue if they disagree, if they agree only address the side of agreement, if well educated include both sides of argument, do not leave out sides of the argument, use two sided arguments that defend themselves
- high fear messages are more effective than low fear messages... T or F
- false, people are more defense to high fear messages
- protection motivation
- the response to fearful messages
- The medium or channel of communication
- email, phone, face to face, etc
- receivers who value group membership are...
- relatively unaffected by messages espousing positions counter to the group
- those who are agressive toward others tend to be...
- resistant to persuasive messages
- receivers with low self esteem...
- are influenced more by persuasive messages than people with high self esteem
- types of communication relationship
- intimate, formal, competitive and conflictual
- relational communication reflects 4 basic points
- 1- emotional arousal, composure and formality 2- intimacy and similarity 3- immediacy or liking 4- dominance or submission.
- Proximity
- communicates intimacy, attraction, trust, caring, dominance persuasiveness and aggressiveness
- similing
- comunicates emotional arousal, composure, formality, intimacy and liking
- touching
- suggest intimacy
- eye contact
- intensifies the other nonverbal communications
- successful decision making relies on 4 steps
- 1-developing an adequate and accurate assessment of the problem, 2-developing a shared and complete understanding of the goal and criteria for success 3-agreeing onthe positive outcomes of decisions 4-agreeing on the negative outcomes of decisions
- Walter Lippmann
- described a triangular relationship between the scene of action, perception of the scene, and responses.
- who said... "much of the world is out of reach, out of sight, out of mind?
- walter lippmann
- George Gerbner
- followed up lippmann and came up with the cultivation theory... the homogonizing effect of creating a shared culture.
- Early agenda setting theory
- suggested that mass media can have a substantial and important effect on the cognitive level without affecting predisposition
- Two concepts of agenda setting theory # 1
- Issue Salience - determines the prominence and penetration the issue has with the audience or how well it resonates with the public
- Two concepts of agenda setting theory #2
- cognitive priming - describes the personal experience or connection someone has with an issue.
- McCombs and Shaw
- "Media not only tell us what to think about, but how to think about it and consequently what to think"
- opinion leaders
- get their information from media sources and then
- spiral of silence
- individuals who think their opinion is wrong dont say anything
- who said "the pressure of public opinion is like the atmosphere. You cant see it, but all the same it is sixteen pounds to the square inch"?
- James Russel Lowell
- direction of opinion
- indicaes the evaluative quality of a predisposition, telling us the "positive-negative-nuetral", "for,against, undecided" or "pro-con-it-depends" evaluation of publics.
- intensity of public opinion
- shows how strongly people feel about their opinionswhatever the direction
- Stability
- refers to how long respondents have held or will hold the same direction and intesity of feelings
- informational support
- refers to how much knowledge people hold about the object of opinion.
- social support measures
- provide evidence of the extent to which people think their opinions are shared by others in their social surroundings
- problem recognition
- represents the extent to which people are aware that something is missing or amiss in a situation, thereby knowing that they need information
- Constraint recognition
- represents the extent to which people see themselves limited by external factors, versus seeing that ehy can do something about the situation.
- level of involvement
- represents the extent to which people see themselves being involved and affected by a situation.
- grunigs 4 types of publics
- all issue publics are active on all issues, apathetic publics are inattentive and inactive on all issues, single issue publics are active on one or a limited number of related issues, hot issue publics are active after media expose almost everyone and the issue becomes the topic of social conversation