La salud y el bienestar
undefined, object
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- depression
- la depresiOn
- disease, illness
- la enfermedad
- flu
- la gripe
- injury
- la herida
- discomfort
- el malestar
- obesity
- la obesidad
- cold
- el resfriado
- breathing
- la respiraciOn
- blood pressure
- la teniOn alta/baja
- cough
- la tos
- virus
- el virus
- to become infected
- contagiarse
- to faint
- desmayarse
- to deteriorate, to get worse
- empeorar
- to get sick
- enfermarse
- to have a cold
- estar resfriado
- to get hurt
- lastimarse
- to remain, to last
- permanecer
- to get well/sick
- ponerse bien/mal
- to suffer
- sufrir
- to look healthy/sick
- tener buen/mal aspecto
- to have a fever
- tener fiebre
- to cough
- toser
- exhausted
- agotado
- inflamed
- inflamado
- dizzy
- mareado
- diet, nutrition
- la alimentaciOn
- self-esteem
- la autoestima
- well-being
- el beinestar
- mood
- el estado de Animo
- health
- la salud
- to lose weight
- adelgazar
- to quit somking
- dejar de fumar
- to rest
- descansar
- to gain weight
- engordar
- to be on a diet
- estar a dieta
- to improve
- mejorar
- to prevent
- prevenir
- to relax
- relajarse
- to stay up all night
- trasnochar
- healthy
- sano
- surgery
- la cirugIa
- surgeon
- el cirujano
- doctor's appointment
- la consulta
- doctor's office
- la consultario
- operation
- la operaciOn
- first aid
- los primeros auxilios
- emergency room
- la sala de emergencias
- aspirin
- la aspirina
- painkiller; tranquilizer
- el calmante
- syrup
- el jarabe
- pill
- la pastilla
- prescription
- la receta
- treatment
- el tratamiento
- vaccine
- la vacuna
- bandage
- la venda
- cast
- el yeso
- to heal, to be cured
- curarse
- to give a shot
- poner una inyecciOn
- to recover
- recuperarse
- to heal
- sanar
- to treat
- tratar
- healing
- curativo