Soc Psych
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- Aggression
- An intentional behavior, intent to harm
- Antisocial Behavior
- Behavior that either damages interpersonal relationships or is culturally undesirable
- Passive Aggression
- Withholding something as a form of aggression
- Emotion:
- A CONSCIOUS reaction to some event that evaluates if it is good or bad
- Affect:
- An AUTOMATIC response that something is good or bad (very rapid)
- Schacter-Singer Theory of Emotion
- Stimuli lead to a BODILY STATE OF AROUSAL and COGNITIVE LABEL specifying the emotion. Both influence each other
- Facial Feedback Hypothesis
- Feedback from face muscles can magnify emotion (holding pencil, like smiling - think comic is funnier)
- Excitation Transfer
- Mislabeling and relabeling arousal (bridge experiment, fear transferred to sexual arousal)
- Happiness.. more what?
- More positive than negative things
- Anger affects...
- Decision making
- Strategies For Anger
- Never show anger (bad) Vent anger (worse) Get rid of anger (best) -Ex) Relaxation, Reframing
- Catharsis Theory
- Venting (including physical exercise) feels good, but keeps you revved up.
- Guilt:
- Focuses on behavior that is bad or wrong -Constructive
- Shame:
- Encompasses the whole person -Destructive
- Yerkes-Dodson Law
- Some arousal is good for performance, too much arousal can hurt performance
- Emotional Intelligence
- Perceiving, generating, understanding, and regulating emotions -test is MSCEIT
- Ekman's 6 basic emotions:
- Fear Sadness Anger Disgust Happiness Surprise
- Attitudes
- Global evaluations toward some object or issue
- Beliefs
- Information about something...
- Implicit vs. Explicit Attitudes
- Implicit: Automatic evaluate response, sometimes hidden from public, often not aware Explicit: Conscious, directly expressed, public
- Bogus Pipeline
- Attach supposed physio measures and inform subject that it will detect lying. (really doesn't). Then use self report
- Implicit Association Test (IAT)
- Measures implicit attitudes we are unwilling to report -Ex) Attitudes about stigmatized groups
- Mere-Exposure Effect
- Repeated exposure to something will increase liking (even if subliminal)
- Classical Conditioning
- Repeatedly pairing stimuli together forms an association between the two
- Operant Conditioning
- Develop a positive attitude toward something that has been followed by reinforcement
- Social Learning
- Learn which attitudes are acceptable through observing other people's behavior
- Polarization
- Attitudes become more extreme as we thing about them
- Cognitive Dissonance
- The unpleasant state when attitude and behavior are inconsistent, causes people to rationalize their behavior
- A-B Problem
- Inconsistency between attitude (A) and behavior (B)
- Reciprocity
- Obligation to return in kind what another has done for us
- Tragedy of the Commons
- Depletion of resources owned collectively
- Prisoner's Dilemma
- Forced to choose between competition and cooperation -(What is best for me is what is best for everyone)
- Normative Conformity
- To fit in
- Informational Conformity
- To gain information, assess reality
- Asch' experiment
- When a unanimous group gave an obviousy wrong answer, the subject did sometimes too
- Egoistic Vs. Altruistic
- Egoistic: Something in return to helper (can include self-esteem) Altruistic: Nothing expected in return
- Belief in a Just World
- Life is essentially fair and people generally get what they deserve
- Bystander Effect
- People are less likely to help when they are in the presence of others
- Frustration leads to...
- some form of aggression
- Hostile Attribution Bias
- Perceive ambiguous actions by others as aggressive