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Soc Psych


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An intentional behavior, intent to harm
Antisocial Behavior
Behavior that either damages interpersonal relationships or is culturally undesirable
Passive Aggression
Withholding something as a form of aggression
A CONSCIOUS reaction to some event that evaluates if it is good or bad
An AUTOMATIC response that something is good or bad (very rapid)
Schacter-Singer Theory of Emotion
Stimuli lead to a BODILY STATE OF AROUSAL and COGNITIVE LABEL specifying the emotion. Both influence each other
Facial Feedback Hypothesis
Feedback from face muscles can magnify emotion (holding pencil, like smiling - think comic is funnier)
Excitation Transfer
Mislabeling and relabeling arousal (bridge experiment, fear transferred to sexual arousal)
Happiness.. more what?
More positive than negative things
Anger affects...
Decision making
Strategies For Anger
Never show anger (bad) Vent anger (worse) Get rid of anger (best) -Ex) Relaxation, Reframing
Catharsis Theory
Venting (including physical exercise) feels good, but keeps you revved up.
Focuses on behavior that is bad or wrong -Constructive
Encompasses the whole person -Destructive
Yerkes-Dodson Law
Some arousal is good for performance, too much arousal can hurt performance
Emotional Intelligence
Perceiving, generating, understanding, and regulating emotions -test is MSCEIT
Ekman's 6 basic emotions:
Fear Sadness Anger Disgust Happiness Surprise
Global evaluations toward some object or issue
Information about something...
Implicit vs. Explicit Attitudes
Implicit: Automatic evaluate response, sometimes hidden from public, often not aware Explicit: Conscious, directly expressed, public
Bogus Pipeline
Attach supposed physio measures and inform subject that it will detect lying. (really doesn't). Then use self report
Implicit Association Test (IAT)
Measures implicit attitudes we are unwilling to report -Ex) Attitudes about stigmatized groups
Mere-Exposure Effect
Repeated exposure to something will increase liking (even if subliminal)
Classical Conditioning
Repeatedly pairing stimuli together forms an association between the two
Operant Conditioning
Develop a positive attitude toward something that has been followed by reinforcement
Social Learning
Learn which attitudes are acceptable through observing other people's behavior
Attitudes become more extreme as we thing about them
Cognitive Dissonance
The unpleasant state when attitude and behavior are inconsistent, causes people to rationalize their behavior
A-B Problem
Inconsistency between attitude (A) and behavior (B)
Obligation to return in kind what another has done for us
Tragedy of the Commons
Depletion of resources owned collectively
Prisoner's Dilemma
Forced to choose between competition and cooperation -(What is best for me is what is best for everyone)
Normative Conformity
To fit in
Informational Conformity
To gain information, assess reality
Asch' experiment
When a unanimous group gave an obviousy wrong answer, the subject did sometimes too
Egoistic Vs. Altruistic
Egoistic: Something in return to helper (can include self-esteem) Altruistic: Nothing expected in return
Belief in a Just World
Life is essentially fair and people generally get what they deserve
Bystander Effect
People are less likely to help when they are in the presence of others
Frustration leads to...
some form of aggression
Hostile Attribution Bias
Perceive ambiguous actions by others as aggressive

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