History 101 Terms and Dates Unit 2 part 2
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- -1 of the 3 divides of the Roman Empire -consists of much of Italy, France(Gaul), Anglo Saxon Kingdoms and Ireland -contained Germanic,Christian, and Classical Elements
- Western Christendom
- -1 of the 3 divides of the Roman Empire -headed at Constantinople -consisted of the Balkan Peninsula, parts of Italy, Asia Minor -center of Christianity
- Eastern Roman Empire
- -1 of the 3 divides of the Roman Empire -largest empire
- Islamic Empire
- -primitive people -Indo-European language -migratory -tribe was the style of government
- Germanic Tribes
- -settled in France -first of Germanic tribes to convert to Catholicism
- Franks
- -497 converted to Catholicism -leader of Franks -baptized along with entire tribe
- Clovis
- -pushed back into Wales and into Ireland by Anglo Saxons
- Celts
- -emperor who codified Roman Law -
- Emperor Justinian 537-565
- -code developed by Emperor Justinian -this code spread Roman Law throughout Europe except for Anglo Saxons
- Code of Justinian
- -church built under Justinian -built in Constantinople -also called Santa Sophia
- Church of Holy Wisdom
- -3rd great monotheistic religion -built from Christianity -sees Mohammed as the last prophet -began in Arabia at city of Mecca
- Islam
- -most important prophet in Islamic religion -began Islamic movement -forced to flee from Mecca to Medina
- Mohammed
- -birth of Islam took place here -Muslims are required to make a pilgrimage here
- Mecca
- Mohammed's flight from Mecca
- Hegira 622 AD
- -city that Mohammed fled to from Mecca
- Medinah
- -Islamic bible -seen as sequel to Christian Scriptures
- Koran
- -religious and secular leader of the Islamic Empire
- Caliph
- -means personal struggle -attempt to spread Islam by means of military
- Jihad
- -capital of Syrian Empire -center of Muslim movement
- Damascus
- -dynasty that rules the Frankish Kingdom -consists of Charles Martel, Pepin, Charelmagne, and Louis the Pious
- Caarolingian Dynasty
- -battle in which Charles Martel defeated the Muslims -stirrups were used by Franks in this battle
- Battle of Tours 732
- -staes ruled by the pope -now vatican city
- Papal States
- -city on German and Dutch border -Charlemagne builds a cathedral here
- Aachen
- -invade England from Scandanavia -barbarians -also referred to as Normans
- Vikings
- -Asian invaders -not slavic -also known as Hungarians
- Magyars
- -need for protection and security -no form of effective government -people aligned themselves to local leaders for protection -leaders demanded allegiance from them
- Feudalism
- name the three estates
- clergy, nobility, commonors
- -live in city -middle class
- bourgeois
- -relationship ONLY between those of the nobility class -lord/vassal relationship
- feudal compact
- -lord give fief (land) to vassal -lord gets to collect taxes on this land -vassal does military service for lord -vassal is loyal to lord -vassal makes payments and provides lord with hospitality
- lord/vassal relationship
- lord vassal relationship is an ______
- investiture
- lord to whom one owes his primary allegiance
- liege lord
- land that directly belongs to the king, not used as a fief
- crown lands
- -mosque built on top of a synagogue -Mohammed ascends into heaven here
- Dome of the Rock
- -song that told stories of Charlemagne's battles with the Muslims
- Song of Roland