undefined, object
copy deck
- Irasshai mase
- May I help you?
- Nan ni nasaimasu ka
- What would you like to order?
- Onegai shimasu
- please do me a favor
- shoo shoo
- a little
- omachi kudasai
- please wait
- omatase shimashita
- thank you for waiting
- anoo
- well...
- kudasai
- please give me
- kashikomari mashita
- understood
- kissaten
- coffee shop
- chuumon(suru)
- an order (to order)
- ueitoresu
- waitress
- koohii
- coffee
- hotto
- hot
- aisu
- iced
- mikkusu sando
- mized sandwich
- kyrrui
- cucumber
- hamu
- ham
- tamago
- egg
- sando icchi
- sandwich
- dore
- which one
- kore
- this one
- sore
- that one
- are
- that one over there
- to
- and
- (o)mizu
- water
- ocha
- green tea
- miruku
- milk
- remon skasshu
- lemonade
- orenji jyuusu
- orange juice
- wain
- wine
- wa-shoku
- japanese cuisine
- gohan
- cooked rice
- soba
- buckwheat noodle
- sukiyaki
- thin sliced beef and veggies
- yasai
- vegetables
- yoo-shoku
- western cuisine
- supageti
- spaghetti
- naporitan
- spaghetti with tomato sauce
- miito soosu
- spaghetti with meat sauce
- hanbaagaa
- hamburger
- chiizu baagaa
- cheese burger
- bifuteki
- beef steak
- omuraisu
- fried rice covered by omelet
- omuretsu
- omelet
- furaido poteto
- french fries
- sarada
- salad
- pan
- bread
- shiriaru
- cereal
- ari
- ant
- inu
- dog
- ookami
- wolf
- usagi
- rabbit
- ushi
- cow
- uma
- horse
- kame
- turtle
- kangaruu
- kangaroo
- kaeru
- frog
- kitsune
- fox
- kirin
- giraffe
- kujira
- whale
- koara
- koala
- sakana
- fish
- saru
- monkey
- shika
- deer
- zou
- elephant
- tanuki
- raccoon
- tora
- tiger
- tori
- bird
- neko
- cat
- nezumi
- mouse
- hitsuji
- sheep
- hiyoko
- chick
- buta
- pig
- hebi
- snake
- pengin
- penguin
- mushi
- insect
- rakuda
- camel
- raion
- lion
- wani
- crocodile
- ikimono
- living things
- doobutsu
- animals
- nani wo sashi age mashoo?
- what shall i give (serve) you?