Bot Quiz 1.1
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- Model Organism include (4):
- mice, honey bees, cockroaches and arabidopsis.
- Reasons for using model organisms (6):
- less variation in results because they are genetically identical, ethical reasons, small, readibly avaliable, shorter life spans, genomes are sequenced (for some).
- Model organisms are ___.
- an organism chosen for study.
- __% of all disease and genetic research is performed on ___.
- 61;fruit flies.
- Evergreen gymnosperm:
- Austrian Pine/White Pine
- Deciduous gymnosperm:
- Bald cypress
- Evergreen Angiosperm:
- Southern Magnolia/ American Holly
- Deciduous Angiosperm:
- Tulip tree/Sycamore
- What do the "knees" of the bald cypress do?
- Give oxygen to the roots that are underwater.
- How does energy enter a ecosystem?
- Sun--> photosynthesis
- How does energy leave a ecosystem?
- decomposition
- How nutrients move from water to land:
- water ---> land animals (ducks and frogs)
- How nutrients move from land to water:
- Runoff from rain or floods.
- Examples of ecosystems:
- pond, soil, terrestrial environment, and tree crown.
- Plants pollinated by bees are usually...
- Blue/purple, sweet smell, and "landing platform".
- Plants pollinated by bird are usually...
- red and have no smell.
- Plants pollinated by moths are usually...
- white or pale colored.
- Animals are attracted by flower ___ not pollen.
- Nectar
- A full scientific name will include:
- Genus, specific epithet, who discovered it, where and when.
- The ___ is capitalized and the epithet is not.
- Genus
- As a __ key to identify plants by their looks.
- dichotomous