History 101 Terms and Dates
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- -538 BCE -permits Jews to return to Palestine and rebuild the temple
- Edict of Cyrus
- 5 characteristics of a Civilization
- 1) complex social&economic structure 2) effecting and lasting government 3) religious beliefs 4) sophisticated literary&artistic styles 5) scientific and technological achievements
- polis
- Greek City State
- war perceived to be fictitious, greeks hid themselves in a large wooden horse, Iliad and Oddessy set during this war, Osyssus and Achilles fought
- Trojan War
- name for all the of Greek gods
- Pantheon
- shrine where people went to consult the Priestess that resided here
- Oracle at Delphi
- form of Classical Greek government, geared towards advancement of citizens, government by the citizens
- Democracy
- 490 BC, famous battle of Persian War, Greeks victorious, man ran 26 miles to announce the victory and then fell over dead
- Battle at Marathon
- 499-460 bc
- Persian Wars
- war between Persians and Greeks, Persians took over Athens and burned the acropolis, but Greeks victorious in the end
- Persian War
- 460-429 BCE
- Age of Pericles
- -word meaning "high place" -elevated area common in most Athenian city/states -temple usually at the top of this raised area
- Acropolis
- time period after the Persian Wars where many buildings were constructed and commercial power began to grow in Athens (460-429 BCE)
- Age of Pericles
- -temple at sicily -temple to Athena -built under Pericles
- Parthenon
- Three major dramatists during the Age of Pericles
- Sophocles,Euripidies, and Aristophanes
- Characteristics of Athenian Empire
- -commercial power with large navy -city states had to pay taxes -they began to resent the empire, in favor of city/state gov
- 431-404 BCE
- Peloponnesian War
- -war fought mainly between Sparta and Athens -began when Spartans invaded Attica -Athenians move to Sicily but are defeated in a naval battle when Persians ally with Spartans -caused a loss of confidence, and period of pessimism and upheaval for Atheni
- Peloponnesian War
- -father of Alexander the Great -ruler of Macedon (359-336 BCE) -great admirer of Greek culture -began military campaign of Greece and surrounding area -wanted to avenge Greeks against Persians -was murdered in 336 as a result of a sexual scandal
- Philip II of Macedon
- -one of the capitals of Persia -large palace here -it burned down when Alexander held control of it -historians are unsure if it was destroyed because of a drunken accident or if it was on purpose in revenge for the destruction of the Acropolis
- Persepolis
- -created the Persian Empire -ruled under a monarchy from 550-530 -deeply admired by Alexander -effective army and bureaucracy -tolerant rule -ruled as a divinity
- Cyrus the Great
- -Bactrian Princess -wife of Alexander the Great
- Roxana
- -culture that is mostly Greek but has elements of Persian and Egyptian culture blended in -was spread throughout the Persian Empire during Alexander's rule
- Hellenistic Culture
- 753 BC
- mythical date for the founding of Rome, which was a monarchy at this time
- 509 BCE
- mythical date for the foundation of the Roman Republic
- Characteristics of the Romans (
- -more practiced than Greeks -good politicians -set up a system of laws -military geniuses -developed from a small city-state into an empire
- Magna Graecia
- Greater Greece
- -term used to describe a victory with terrible costs -term originated when King Pyrus won a battle against the Romans but he won at such great costs that it almost couldn't be considered a victory
- Pyrhic Victory
- 264-146 BCE
- Punic Wars
- -three wars between Rome and Carthage -in 1st Rome secured Sicily -in 2nd they defeated the great general Hannibal -in third they totally destructed the city of Carthage -(264-146 BCE)
- Punic Wars
- -Carthingian general who tortured the Romans -took army over the alps with his elephants -defeated in the battle of Zama by the Romans
- Hannibal
- -took over the republic of Rome and established a monarchy -ruled from 49-44 BCE
- Julius Caesar
- cycle of government
- monarchy tyranny oligarchy polis democracy anarchy
- -ruled Rome under a monarchy from 27 BCE-14 AD
- Augustus Caesar
- 27 BCE-180 AD
- Roman Peace or Pax Romana
- wall built on border of England and Scotland meant to keep out barbarians
- Hadrian's Wall
- -temple in center of ancient Rome -most perfextly preserved of ancient Roman buildings -assumed to be built for all the gods
- Pantheon
- -triumphal arch built in honor of Titus -Titus was a general who put down the Jewish rebellion in 70 AD
- Arch of Titus
- -212 AD -made everyone citizens except for slaves
- Edict of Carracalla
- -army to guard emperor -played role in declaring new emperor
- Praetorian Guard
- -tribes from the north that threatened Rome -Visigoths, Franks, Huns, etc
- Germanic Tribes
- -emperor of Rome from 284 to 305 AD -established strongest bureaucracy yet in Rome -hoped to solve issues of succession, but failed -split the Roman Empire into East and West
- Diocletian
- -emperor from 312-337 AD -first christian emperor -founded Constantinople and moved capital here -united Eastern and Western Rome
- Constantine
- -313 AD -granted religious toleration/freedom throughout the nation
- Edict of Milan
- -410 AD -Visigoths take over Rome -end of Roman Empire in the West
- Sack of Rome