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Advertising Chapter 17


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whats the formal definition of sales promotion?
the use of incentive techniques that create a perception of greater brand value among consumers.
Some examples of consumer market sales promotion include...
coupons, price off deals, premiums, contests and sweepstakes, samping and trial offers, rebates. phone and gift cards
the oldest and most widely recognized form of sales promotion is...
the coupon
the first use of a coupon can be traced to...
how many coupons are distributed annually...
350 billion
what is the typical price off deal?
a 10% to 25% reduction
what is a premium?
an item offered free or at a reduced price with the purchase of another item
whats a self liquidating premium?
something that requires consumer to pay most of the cost of the item received as a premium
what are the 3 key elements of an advertising special
a message,placement on a useful item, given with no obligation
Whats the 1st advantage of a coupon?
makes it possible to give a discount to price conscious consumers while still selling it at regular price to everyone else
whats the 2nd advantage of a coupon?
the use of a coupon can induce brand switching
whats the 3rd advantage of a coupon?
a manufacturer can control the timing and distribution of coupons
whats the 4th advantage of a coupon?
a coupon is an excellent method of stimulating repeat purchases
what the 5th advantage of a coupon?
coupons can get users of a brand to trade up to a nicer version within the brand.
what is perhaps the oldest advertising form?
billboards posters and signs
What are some of the advantages of billboards?
big, round the clock exposure, can be captivating. well suited for showing off a brands logo
when are billboards especially effective?
when they speak to a desire that is immediately relevant
what types of companies rely most on outdoor ads?
car dealerships,real estate and insurance companies, hotels, financial institutions
what is gorilla marketing?
edgy oftentimes inexpensive promotions,executed in urban markets.
A company that has used gorilla marketing to great use...
what is the term out of home media commonly used to describe?
transit and billboards

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