geopgraphy exam 1 part 1
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- The three types of distribution:
- Density, concentration and pattern.
- Density is ___.
- The frequency with which something occurs in space.
- Arithmatic Density
- Total number of objects in an area.
- Physiological density
- Number of people per unit of area good for agriculture
- Agricultural Denisty
- number of farmers per unit of area farmland
- Concentration is ___.
- The extent of a feature's spread over space (clustered v. dispersed.)
- Pattern is ___.
- The geometric arrangement of objects in space.
- Space-time compression
- the reduction in the time it takes for something to reach another place. The speed at which ideas travel.
- Distance decay
- Contact diminishes with increased distance
- Diffusion
- The process by which a characteristic spreads across space from one place to another over time.
- Hearth
- The place from which an innovation originates.
- Relocation
- the physical movement of something (Coins in Europe)
- Expansion
- Something that spreads in a snowball like manner
- Hierarchial spread
- An idea spreads from a person of power downward (media->teens)
- Contageous spread
- Rapid, wide-spread, simultaneous spread. (gossip/major news story)
- Stimulus Spread
- The spread of an underlying principle-even if it doesn't diffuse. (Hamburgers in India).
- The 3 regions at the heart of the global economy:
- North America, Western Europe and Japan.
- Uneven development
- The increasing gap in economic conditions between regions in the core and periphery that results from globalization.
- Ecumene
- The portion of the earth's surface occupied by permanent human settlement.
- Demography
- the study of population characteristics.
- 4 most populated areas in the world:
- North-eastern U.S., South Asia, East Asia and Europe.
- Current world population
- 6 billion
- Natural Increase Rate (NIR)
- Rate of population growth (births-deaths)
- World mean natural increase is roughly__.
- 1.4
- Infant Mortality Rate (IMR)
- Anual number of deaths of infants compared to live births (#/1000)
- Total Fertility Rate (TFR)
- The average number of children a women will have in her childbearing years.
- Global TFR rate
- 2.7
- A TRF of __ produces zero population change.
- 2.1
- Demographic transition
- A process with several stages that connects development with changes in population
- Stage 1 (pre-industrial) 3 points
- Almost all of Earth's history. Both birth and death rate were very high. Life fluxuated do to environment.
- Stage 2 (mid-1700's) 5 Points
- Death rates down dramatically, food supply and distribution up, safer water, treatment of illnesses, and population explosion.
- Stage 3 (WWII) 4 points
- More industrialization, birth rate down, city life & smaller families, and slowing population growth. (low fertility rate)
- Stage 4 (post-industrial period) 3 points
- Economy focus on service sector as apposed to physical work, birth rates are below death rate, changing status woman= working woman= low birth rates.
- Old age dependancy ratio
- The number of working people compared to older people = decline in economic production and bigger burden on goverment & wellfare. More immigrants enter the country to take jobs.
- Population pyramid
- A bar graph showing a country's population by age and sex groups.