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Adv318J Lecture 9-8


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Some maxims of the PR/Advertising World include...
Old is new, whats worked in past?, recycle appeals to reach todays consumer
Advertising is the___ ___profession
2nd oldest
There is a close relationship in advertising between these 3 branches...
business creative and research
Womens changing role in society is reflected in advertising by...
the portrayal of women in advertising, their needs being addressed, and women making decisions
Ad agencies held power from____ to ____
1900 to 1970s
Advertisers held power in the _____
retailers held power in the ____
Today who holds the power?
Who said Advertising is dead and where did he teach?
ROland Rust, Maryland
Who said PR is dead?
RIchard Stacey
What was the philosophy that had driven mass marketing?
We make, you take. We speak you listen.
Whats database marketing?
The computerized collection interpretation and routine use of data about consumers for individualized attention.
What are some of the new traits of advertising and PR?
More services, regional, segment oriented, and focused on creative media.
Whats an example of a new medium parallel in the 20th and 21st century?
The Magazine and the INternet
Whats the first paradigm shift in advertising?
from slow to fast cycles of change
Whats the second paradigm shift in advertising?
From Fragmented To Integrated Communications
Whats the third paradigm shift in advertising?
From Impersonal To Personal Messages & Media
Whats the fourth paradigm shift in advertising?
From National To Global Markets
New media audiences and computers are...

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